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Long Distance Relationships are hard but also beautiful


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I wanted to say that everyone out there in a long distance relationship that is strugging should realize that long distance relationships are hard, they are alot of work, more work than a normal relationship, but they can also be beautiful and have some advantages aswell.

If you feel like the other person is quality and amazing and the time you spend together is great, its worth fighting for, through the struggles and obstacles that the distance brings.

I have been in a long distance relationship for 1 year and a half now, and known the person for almost 2 years, and it has been hard various times during, with many challenges and obstacles, even harder so because of the covid crysis, it made it much harder for sure.

I meet her online and we instantly clicked, we started talking over the phone, having videocalls and we just clicked incredibly well, I knew it was something special and so did she, so we planned to meet in order to see if this would also be true in real life... we both were very afraid of course... having such a great connection and click with someone, seeing them as someone you could build something with.. and then you meet in real life and for some reason its not the same and you lose that person... its hard... maybe people who never had a connection so hard with someone online might say this is ridicilous to say if you haven't even meet the person, but believe me.. you can click and connect incredibly well with someone online, especially if you have calls and videocalls daily for hours.. so losing someone like that is not easy. So that thing was always in the back of my mind, it was scary.. but nevertheless it had to be done..

So we meet in real life... for the first time... im sure there are various persons who meet online that meet and things go one way... with others the other way... with others something in the middle... we both had the incredible luck that when we meet we clicked instantly, and we clicked way more than even online, we probably clicked more than with anyone else in my life, we felt like we have known each other for all our lives and had that interaction where it had this flow, we had attraction we had everything and we had the same sense of humor, and to make the story short the meeting that lasted for weeks was incredible.. and we got to know each other on a deeper level...

Our distance was very long... different continents... during covid times... but we knew this was so special and we put everything we have into this, to be able to meet as much as possible for as much time as possible... at times it was hard... at times it was challenging for various reasons.. but we managed to meet 4 times. Which is good I guess... considering covid times and the immense distance.. but also hard... not seeing someone for 2 months... is hard... but the hardest one was one time in between where it was almost 5 months... it was brutal... with many challenges on its own because of the immense distance..

Everytime we meet in real life and spent weeks together it was incredible and wonderful and beautiful... like a dream... and everytime we were apart it was like a big part of this missing, it felt hard... because you don't have the person here, you cant be physical, you can't do stuff together in real life... its extremely hard and challenging and at times it can feel lonely, at times you can have doubts because of the distance, there are alot of challenges... we managed to pull through... even tho it was hard, but we managed to ride the storm and each time we were 1-2 weeks from meeting it was immensely easier... And there were times where we lived together basically and were together basically for a month... it was amazing.. So whoever is in a LDR and have doubts and struggles, pull through it! Don't think about the negative, think about everything you have with that person when you are together and how beautiful is... and tell yourself that it WILL BE worth it in the end.

In 1 week our continent long distance will be cut severely short, after working hard at making it work, we will finally manage to do it.. because of the geographical situation and due to where I live (small place) there is no options, she will be coming here but not exactly where I am, but 2 hours drive away, a huge difference compared to the 20hour long flight which was also extremely expensive and time restraints due to it because you lose 2 days only with the flight... we will not need to wait 2 months or 3 months or 4 months or more to see each other, we will be able to be together every weekend, EVERY WEEKEND... After all the hardship of needing to wait so long to see the other person, its a HUGE difference and upgrade and we both couldn't be happier..

Considering the place she will be at is much bigger with more options, our plan is for me to also find a job there and basically move together there... that will be the last upgrade... the final one... where we will be living together daily... the plan is that we both work hard now for 6-9 months and save alot of money, so we have some savings, then I move there and we start living together.

Nobody knows what the future brings but one thing is for sure.. we had a continent long distance and could rarely see each other and needed to wait for a long time each time and now we will be able to see each other every couple of days and be very close together... we did it... we beat the immense distance.. we made it!

You can make it too!


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