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medical probs. causing probs. w/bf


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i have all these symptoms of low blood sugar and have had three negative tests that say i don't. with further research on the subject i have found two other possiblities: cortisol probelms/ and or/ adrenal gland weakness problems.


i have been eating as good as anyone can eat this last week since my problem started, i.e. excessive hunger, weakness and shakiness when i dont eat.


i was having to eat every 1-2 hours but now i can go 2-3 without eating. my problem is my boyfriend was very VERY supportive in the beginning, he is offering to pay for me to go to his mom's clinic since my clinic don't want to run additional tests.


we went out for dinner with his mom for her b-day to a mexican restaurant and it took me forever to find something to eat. i finally decided on a steak hamburger, with milk and one piece of toast.


normally i would of had a chili relleno w/tortilla and a pepsi. so you can see the difference right there with my changes in eating now.


then yesterday he took me to lunch at an italian restaurant where i was able to have grilled chicken. i did indulge a little in some of there wonderful warm bread.


anyway, he is becoming very frustrated and impatient with me dispite the help he is offering. i try to explain to him "how would you like to be excessively hungry and weak and shakey all day?"


i try to get him to understand how i feel with what i am going through, but at first he was very understanding and sympathetic, but now he is like "you are over analyzing this whole thing!"


i think that this is only normal to want to find out why you feel like you do, but more importantly what to do about it. he says "just take a good vitamin and forget it" "quit dwelling on it" "stop overanalyzing every little thing".


i know i do get carried away with things, but all i want is to feel better. sorry if it is cramping his life style at the moment. i don't know what else to tell him to make him understand that what i am going through is very hard on me and i have gained three pounds in a week from all the food i have had to consume just to keep the shakiness at bay.


i have finally found an eating plan i can live with, by eating a good breakfast, a snack, then lunch, then another snack, then dinner, then another snack before i go to bed so i don't wake up in the middle of the night hungry.


i have done this now for two days and last night was the first night i slept the whole night through in a week!!! so maybe it is working and hopefully the calorie imput will be more limited. i am also exercising to try to burn some of the excess calories.


any ideas on how i can make him understand how i feel? help, please! he is normally a good person, and very loving and we have been together for a long time, i just want some help from him, just some support that is all, not being put down. i hope that that is not asking too much from him.

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