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What. In. The. Hell ?!

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kay I just posted " Oh my Gosh " like yesterday..I mentioned he might of cheated on me in the past but won't now..



I called him a minute ago he's in this organization at his college 4 vegetarians and they were at a BBQ..and this person walks up to him I couldn't tell if it was a girl or a guy..but I swear I heard " Hey Baby..where were you in the bathroom? i was looking all over.." but he has a friend named Javier and calls him " Javi" so it might of just been a guy buddy..but I heard a girls voice too..in the background but I couldn't tell if it was a girl he could talk to and it was all blurry so I didn't know what she siad...but he said he'd call back later right after that, got off with me and it's been an hour so I called back and I said what's wrong it's been an hour and he goes..really fast.." oh i was talking to someone i'llc all you back later bye" b4 I even get the chance to say bye. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?! the drama never ends....OMG i'M SO PISSSSSEEEDDD OFFFFFF!!!!!


Post back NOW if you see this..what the hell!!!!

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Dang Worried, your guy sucks lol You have every right to be pissed about this. However, don't jump to conclusions. Maybe that's just the jealouse part of you speaking. I didn't realize from your first post that you two don't live together. This is one more obstacle. My husband and I have lived on two different continents for several months, but I always knew what he was doing, practically every minute of the day; so, this really helped; we shared a lot and talked a lot too. Now, if communication is lacking on top of it all, then I can understand your frustration!


Seriously, you need to call him or even meet up with him. If you call him, pick a time when you know you'll be able to talk for at least an hour without being disturbed. Again, don't get angry/frustrated, just talk calmly and give him time to answer too. If he doesn't feel close to you, or like you two have anything special going on, then he won't care as much as you'd want him to. I think you guys need a stronger bound, because it seems to be getting a little loose ... His college life might be the main problem here.

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Jeeeezzzzzzzz, he was at a BBQ...there might have been girls there....big deal..don't be such a worry wart!!!! :rolleyes:

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Jeeeezzzzzzzz, he was at a BBQ...there might have been girls there....big deal..don't be such a worry wart!!!! :rolleyes:

I wouldn't be if I didn't hear a " hey baby"

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Dang Worried, your guy sucks lol You have every right to be pissed about this. However, don't jump to conclusions. Maybe that's just the jealouse part of you speaking. I didn't realize from your first post that you two don't live together. This is one more obstacle. My husband and I have lived on two different continents for several months, but I always knew what he was doing, practically every minute of the day; so, this really helped; we shared a lot and talked a lot too. Now, if communication is lacking on top of it all, then I can understand your frustration!


Seriously, you need to call him or even meet up with him. If you call him, pick a time when you know you'll be able to talk for at least an hour without being disturbed. Again, don't get angry/frustrated, just talk calmly and give him time to answer too. If he doesn't feel close to you, or like you two have anything special going on, then he won't care as much as you'd want him to. I think you guys need a stronger bound, because it seems to be getting a little loose ... His college life might be the main problem here.


Kay, well he called me and he said he was talking to his friend Chris..[about the hey baby thing] & I thought maybe it was Javier b/c that sounds like baby cuz he calls Him "javi" and no way does CHRIS sound like the word baby..and I'd love to travel down there right now but I can't b/c of school so I'll see him next at Christmas..And communication has been wonderful for us up until the past 2 weeks..I just have a feeling something is going on..

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Yeah and he's all of a sudden short on cash as well..our anniversary is coming up and he can't afford a dozen roses to send to me..:rolleyes:

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while I think you've every right to be cautious, I think you sound like you're borderline paranoid and even obsessive compulsive.


The things you say would raise some red flags for me, but I would first talk to him WHEN you're calm. Nothing freaks a guy out more than a possesive/paranoid/clingy girl. Make sure you don't sound like that when you talk to him.


Drop him subtle messages like text him and say you luv him. Call him out of the blues and tell him you're thinking about him. Remember the animated movie 'the incredibles' ? When the woman (elasta girl??) suspected something's up, she didn't say nothin'..... all she said to mr. incredible was 'I luv you VERY VERY much'. If I were the guy and I was up to no good, I'd think HARD about it.

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while I think you've every right to be cautious, I think you sound like you're borderline paranoid and even obsessive compulsive.


The things you say would raise some red flags for me, but I would first talk to him WHEN you're calm. Nothing freaks a guy out more than a possesive/paranoid/clingy girl. Make sure you don't sound like that when you talk to him.


Drop him subtle messages like text him and say you luv him. Call him out of the blues and tell him you're thinking about him. Remember the animated movie 'the incredibles' ? When the woman (elasta girl??) suspected something's up, she didn't say nothin'..... all she said to mr. incredible was 'I luv you VERY VERY much'. If I were the guy and I was up to no good, I'd think HARD about it.


We do call eachother out of the blue..just to see how our day is going and to say we love eachother..but out of the blue he's been acting like he doesn't care about those phone calls anymore..and he's turned into a distant jerk..and that'd be normal if I acted clingy..I haven't said a word to him about how I'm feeling actually..I'm just sitting back waiting for more clues and trying to act natural. He answered those questions about ' who he was talking to' without me even asking..guilty conscience ? I don't know..but that's how it went. I'm just going to sit back and watch carefully and see what I can find out. That could be difficult though since we live in different states & only talk on the phone.

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