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2nd date unsure whats happening

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4 hours ago, Braytc said:

she just kept saying the same thing over and over "we are different people, we dont mesh" "i just didnt vibe with you, it's nothing you or i did or can change"

Translation:  She may have had a good time with you, but there was no chemistry, no "energy."  Typically chemistry/energy happening between two people is mutual so since SHE wasn't feeling it, one has to wonder, what exactly were YOU feeling?  

That has happened to me many times.  I can have a good time on a date, easy flow of conversation, lots of laughs BUT there was no chemistry/energy between us, he may as well be a good friend.

I have found when there IS chemistry/energy, there is a certain tension, a nervousness, a certain discomfort.  NOT such as easy flow of conversation at least at first. 

Like the bolded above, it's nothing anyone did or can change.  Chemistry/energy is an intangible force and either you feel or you don't.  SHE didn't so again I am wondering what it was you were feeling?

Physical attraction?  Because contrary to what many believe that is NOT chemistry/energy.  It's part of it but chemistry entails so much more.  I am sure you have felt it before, no need to explain to you the difference.

I have pissed off a few men when after what appears to be a great date, I tell them what this girl told you.  They didn't get it because they were physically attracted and wanted to have sex with me, THAT was their driving force.  But that is NOT genuine chemistry/energy which again is mutual.

Also, try to step away from your ego for a moment, which I think is what your hurt/confusion is about at least on some level.  You had two dates, a mere blip, not even a blip.  

Let it go and move on to the next, try to not analyze it.  It is what it is, or isn't (as they say).  



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5 hours ago, Agentra said:

She said she "didn't mesh with you", that's pretty straight-forward. You don't need to keep on analyzing the answer, respect the choices people make and work on letting go. You're just exhausting yourself at this point. 

You come off quite defensive, it just sounds like your ego took a beating. Instead of getting so wrapped up in this rejection from a teenager, find a way to cope better. 

What does mesh even mean though? Who does mesh? Does anyone truly mesh? Nobody even knows what that means they just say it because it sounds good or something. Im going to over analyze because i keep doing the same thing and it's never good enough for anyone so how will i ever know what to change?

Im tired of going out on dates every single weekend 

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1 hour ago, poppyfields said:

Translation:  She may have had a good time with you, but there was no chemistry, no "energy."  Typically chemistry/energy happening between two people is mutual so since SHE wasn't feeling it, one has to wonder, what exactly were YOU feeling?  

That has happened to me many times.  I can have a good time on a date, easy flow of conversation, lots of laughs BUT there was no chemistry/energy between us, he may as well be a good friend.

I have found when there IS chemistry/energy, there is a certain tension, a nervousness, a certain discomfort.  NOT such as easy flow of conversation at least at first. 

Like the bolded above, it's nothing anyone did or can change.  Chemistry/energy is an intangible force and either you feel or you don't.  SHE didn't so again I am wondering what it was you were feeling?

Physical attraction?  Because contrary to what many believe that is NOT chemistry/energy.  It's part of it but chemistry entails so much more.  I am sure you have felt it before, no need to explain to you the difference.

I have pissed off a few men when after what appears to be a great date, I tell them what this girl told you.  They didn't get it because they were physically attracted and wanted to have sex with me, THAT was their driving force.  But that is NOT genuine chemistry/energy which again is mutual.

Also, try to step away from your ego for a moment, which I think is what your hurt/confusion is about at least on some level.  You had two dates, a mere blip, not even a blip.  

Let it go and move on to the next, try to not analyze it.  It is what it is, or isn't (as they say).  



It's not physical though. I go out on dates weekly practically. I can tell you theres people i go out where afterwards i can say they are really cute but there is nothing there and i could never keep going with them.

Honestly on our first date she seemed a little more nervous and uncomfortable than i was the whole time. Like i could definitely tell she was nervous.

Girls like this one are different. I feel an emotional hurt after it because for that very reason, it felt great to be around her and i enjoyed the time. I never really thought about sex or anything like that so it's not what everyone thinks.

There are people i go out with where it's like whatever,  then there's ones that make me come on forums like this asking what happened? 

What she did makes no sense as I've said before. It has never once crossed my mind "oh we have no chemistry and i see nothing, let me ask them out on a 2nd date". There were 2 girls prior to this very recently that i went out with one time and i was done, nothing was there. You know that right away 1 date. Why would she ask me out again? Thats mainly why im ticked off.

If we just went out the first time i probably wouldnt have cared. After the first date i was feeling her but i didnt feel strongly about her that i would come on here. It was going out on the 2nd date that im like ok you invited me out again but now there's an issue?

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15 minutes ago, Braytc said:

Girls like this one are different. I feel an emotional hurt after it because for that very reason, it felt great to be around her and i enjoyed the time. I never really thought about sex or anything like that so it's not what everyone thinks.

I realize it doesn't always have to be about sex and that it simply felt great to be around her.  You felt that "pull," no matter what it was based on.

Sadly for you, SHE didn't.  As I explained, a woman can appear to be having a great time, lots of talking, laughing, she may even initiate a second date!   Because of how well you got on, she most likely wanted to feel something, but at the end of the second, she didn't.

Please understand, there is literally NO rhyme or reason for this, as she said, it was NOTHING you did or didn't do, she just wasn't "feeling it."

That may be one of the hardest things to wrap your brain around when dating.  That someone who appeared to be having a good time just wasn't "feeling it."

But it's not really your job to understand it (you never will), only to accept it.   Respect it and let it go.

15 minutes ago, Braytc said:

What she did makes no sense as I've said before. 

And it never will.  No rhyme or reason why someone isn't "feeling it."  Nothing you said or did, such feelings are intangible, meaning they cannot be explained.

It's about energy.  Energy flowing between BOTH people, THAT is when it works.  Energy cannot be explained, it simply exists.  

When only one person feels something, again no matter what's it's based on, but the other doesn't, it won't work.


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10 minutes ago, poppyfields said:

I realize it doesn't always have to be about sex and that it simply felt great to be around her.  You felt that "pull," no matter what it was based on.

Sadly for you, SHE didn't.  As I explained, a woman can appear to be having a great time, lots of talking, laughing, she may even initiate a second date!   Because of how well you got on, she most likely wanted to feel something, but at the end of the second, she didn't.

Please understand, there is literally NO rhyme or reason for this, as she said, it was NOTHING you did or didn't do, she just wasn't "feeling it."

That may be one of the hardest things to wrap your brain around when dating.  That someone who appeared to be having a good time just wasn't "feeling it."

But it's not really your job to understand it (you never will), only to accept it.   Respect it and let it go.

And it never will.  No rhyme or reason why someone isn't "feeling it."  Nothing you said or did, such feelings are intangible, meaning they cannot be explained.

It's about energy.  Energy flowing between BOTH people, THAT is when it works.  Energy cannot be explained, it simply exists.  

When only one person feels something, again no matter what's it's based on, but the other doesn't, it won't work.


But why does nobody i "feel that energy with" ever "feel" that energy back? Literally nobody. But yet they will go out

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Maybe these women can sense that you're starting to feel a little desperate and frantic, OP

25 minutes ago, Braytc said:

What she did makes no sense

Not to you. But it makes perfect sense to her. She doesn't need your seal of approval to decide after 2 dates (instead of 1) that she'd rather not pursue this. It doesn't have to make sense to you, in other words. It's not your call. 

But I will say that if you're going on hundreds of dates and always striking out - well, the common denominator is you. Have you got a trusted female friend who might be able to offer some insight into where you're going wrong? 

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28 minutes ago, Braytc said:

But yet they will go out

Well of course they will go out, they found you attractive and nice, so why wouldn't they go out with you?  

Going out on a date with you, even two dates, does not obligate a woman to "feel something" though, does it?  Of course not.

Nor does it obligate her to continue dating you.

People date in order to find out IF they feel something, or not. 

Some women might even date a man many times in order to determine if she's feeling something.  She may even have sex with him!  I wouldn't but some women would.

With this girl, she sounds like me, and didn't want to waste her time continuing to date a man she wasn't into or waste your time, or mislead you.

She didn't ghost or ignore, she answered the best she could -- she simply wasn't vibing with you the way she needed to be to continue dating you.

I am not quite sure why this is difficult for you to understand, it is SO common, it happens all the time.

Best to accept it and move on.



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6 hours ago, Braytc said:

I did do that and she just kept saying the same thing over and over "we are different people, we dont mesh" "i just didnt vibe with you, it's nothing you or i did or can change


I'm sorry, I should have described the example better:  He came back to her after a week and said that he can't get past the first date or two with any girl and would like her advice as to why it could be happening.  

Now, most woman aren't going to bother going into giving reasons.  And lot of woman don't even analyise it that deeply.  But if you use the exact phrase above, you may find someone who's willing to give you an answer. 

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10 hours ago, Braytc said:

What does mesh even mean though? Who does mesh? Does anyone truly mesh? Nobody even knows what that means they just say it because it sounds good or something. Im going to over analyze because i keep doing the same thing and it's never good enough for anyone so how will i ever know what to change?

Im tired of going out on dates every single weekend 

She just didn't like you. Plain and simple. Happens to all of us. Sometimes it takes one date to figure that out, for me it once took a couple months to see that I was involved with somebody I wasn't actually into.

If you're tired of dating, don't date. Take some time off. We cannot compile a list of what is "wrong" with you, take some time and relax. If you bring this defeated attitude to your dates then it is no surprise things don't seem to work out. 

If you want to continue on analyzing this, fine. You want to kiss them on a first date, fine. The advice here is that giving yourself a headache and forcing a kiss on a first date is basically the same as you shooting yourself in the foot. 

Relax. Just go with the flow next time, have fun, and maybe date girls closer to your age. 

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She wanted to take it slow physically, but you weren't cool with that, and you went over to just "hang out." Of course, that was going to be shut down quickly.

You come across a bit antsy pantsy.

I'm not sure if or how that translated into real life but "maybe" she picked up on that and it sent her off running in the other direction.

Or, it may have nothing to do with you at all.

Everyone has different tastes.

I'm sorry it didn't work out, but it was just two dates.

I'm sure she enjoyed getting to know you but it just wasn't a match.


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This girl doesn't matter.   Sounds like she is among the 80-90 girls where you have similar experiences.   The problem is something you are doing, or not doing.

What takes place on these dates?   Are we talking dinner, movies, concerts, walks in the park?   Or is it more like hitting the take out window and spend the 4 hours interacting with your phones?

In reading this,, you seem like an alright guy.   Perhaps a little on the nervous side.   As they say,  1st impressions are so important.   Sounds like you need to work on your 1st impressions. You aren't scaring them or you wouldn't get the 2nd date.  But you definitely aren't leaving them wanting more.   You need to take up a hobby.  One that will make women more determined to date you again.   You have to learn that hobby well enough that you exude confidence and talent.   It's survival of the fittest out there.   

Women are attracted to the :  ests.     richest, fittest, hottest, smoothest, strongest, best of various hobbies, baddest

Somehow you are not showing them anything that makes you stand out.   You have to change your tactics where you only date 1 for a long time  


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16 hours ago, aloneagain63 said:

This girl doesn't matter.   Sounds like she is among the 80-90 girls where you have similar experiences.   The problem is something you are doing, or not doing.

What takes place on these dates?   Are we talking dinner, movies, concerts, walks in the park?   Or is it more like hitting the take out window and spend the 4 hours interacting with your phones?

In reading this,, you seem like an alright guy.   Perhaps a little on the nervous side.   As they say,  1st impressions are so important.   Sounds like you need to work on your 1st impressions. You aren't scaring them or you wouldn't get the 2nd date.  But you definitely aren't leaving them wanting more.   You need to take up a hobby.  One that will make women more determined to date you again.   You have to learn that hobby well enough that you exude confidence and talent.   It's survival of the fittest out there.   

Women are attracted to the :  ests.     richest, fittest, hottest, smoothest, strongest, best of various hobbies, baddest

Somehow you are not showing them anything that makes you stand out.   You have to change your tactics where you only date 1 for a long time  


Nothing makes sense, I'm not nervous at all actually and i would know if i am. If anything THEY are the ones that seem nervous. 

We go out to eat the first time usually always. So we sit down and have a convo for minimum 2 hours which is pretty good. There's never a point of awkwardness or anything, it's just great fluid convo for 2-3 hours straight.  Again dont see a problem here, do you? What else could a human being possibly want?

Idk what hobbies mean, i do have hobbies and very good at them that we talk about so idk what that has to do with it.

It's been like this forever, everyone goes out but never gets in a relationship but doesnt say why. If anything they end up getting into a relationship with a guy that i actually laugh at because they offer absolutely nothing at all, no where close to me in looks or style or personality and just seem like an overall 3. It makes no sense

Nothing ego wise but im honestly at this point thinking im overly-good or too good and that scares them or something. I have an extremely nice car, a house, and my entire life is setup. It seems like they want someone that has no looks, no sense of style, and that's attractive to them

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women do like bad boyz.    Up until a point where they are ready to settle down and start thinking about that biological clock.   A car, boat, snazzy pad can catch their attention until they start nesting.  Then they pay more attention to whether you are set up for life, nice house, car etc.   You are very open to all of that information here.   My advice would be never mention it to them.   It's better to make them work a little to find out how 'setup' you are.   A little mystery goes a long way.     

I say that because I learned from an early age to put out maximum effort on the 1st date to make sure I got the 2nd date.  Part of my education was earned by LISTENING to what girls would complain about after their dates.   One of the most common complaints I heard was he never stopped talking about himself. All night, either about himself or football, hunting, fishing etc.   Learn to talk just enough to keep the convo flowing on topics about her.  Answer direct questions from her about yourself but too much will bore her to tears. Ask about her life, her day, her job, pets..........make her ask you to get personal details about you.   From what I've heard, that will make you different than most guys they run across.


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1 hour ago, Braytc said:

im overly-good or too good and that scares them or something. I have an extremely nice car, a house, and my entire life is setup. It seems like they want someone that has no looks, no sense of style, and that's attractive to them

This^ is interesting.  Reading various men's sites, that seems to go against what many men believe to be true about women - that woman seek the best looking, the richest, the best career, best style, social status etc.

I never agreed with that and your story proves it's not true in all cases.  Many women (including myself) seek more that that, they're looking for a genuine connection, over and above looks, style and status.   Although I do realize looks and style are important but it's all very subjective.

It's hard to say what's turning these women off without being a fly on the wall on your dates and observing.

Could it be possible the energy you project reflects somewhat of a "playerish" vibe?  That might turn some women off, either that or they're insecure and intimidated by you?

I know for me, I love confidence and even a bit brash, but NOT arrogance.  It's a fine line, not all men can carry if off successfully.

Just some things to consider, good luck.


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By hobbies,  I'm talking about something that includes her.  Not just your hobbies.    You/We guys always need a trick card to make us different or stand out from the other guys that she has dated.   I learned to swing dance and also learned to lead them into doing the dance in a way they had never experienced.  As a physical activity, when done right it is 2nd only to sex. You wouldn't want to take her rock climbing on the 2nd date but you can take her dancing.   2 things you need to have enough success in this,  confidence and know how to teach her without it being obvious that you are teaching her.   I'm using dancing because that what I learned how to do have something different in the arsenal than other guys. Every girl has guys who will get out there and dance free style.   I'm talking about making her look like the couples in movies doing couple dances.  Swing, salsa, sexy slow dances(not the Prom Date Sway that every other guy does)

If she mentions baseball, take her to baseball games.   Find a common hobby, be a good date and you'll find somebody who will stick around

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OP, imo it's not about hobbies or even common interests.  Those things are what you look for when seeking friendships not an romantic involvement.

What's important is how you vibe together, how you connect, mentally, emotionally and physically.  Or even spiritually if into that.

I'm not there so I can only speculate that you're somehow lacking in your ability to connect on a level that surpasses the superficial (looks, car, job, status).

I have posted this before but energy and vibe are intangible forces that cannot be explained, they simply exist.   And when those intangibles are off, there will be no connection.

Again, just something to consider and if you don't understand what I mean or am referring to when I say energy and vibe, that right there might be part of the problem.




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1 hour ago, Braytc said:

If anything they end up getting into a relationship with a guy that i actually laugh at because they offer absolutely nothing at all,

They might be able to sense how judgmental you are. 

Arrogance is not cute. 

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Women mistake "bad boyz" as confident men, that's why they are attracted.

What to change? Your game. Women like to feel desired, but it's tricky not to come off as creepy. Low, smooth laid back, but focused, confident. Being able to read body language, read their emotions, feel their vibe, and use these as clues to what you can do and say to make them feel warm and fuzzy. 

As for complaining about dating every weekend....damn you are lucky that you are going out on dates. So many don't even get that far. From what I can read from this your looks are not the issue if the ladies keep saying yes to that first date. 

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1 hour ago, poppyfields said:

OP, imo it's not about hobbies or even common interests.  Those things are what you look for when seeking friendships not an romantic involvement.

What's important is how you vibe together, how you connect, mentally, emotionally and physically.  Or even spiritually if into that.

I'm not there so I can only speculate that you're somehow lacking in your ability to connect on a level that surpasses the superficial (looks, car, job, status).

I have posted this before but energy and vibe are intangible forces that cannot be explained, they simply exist.   And when those intangibles are off, there will be no connection.

Again, just something to consider and if you don't understand what I mean or am referring to when I say energy and vibe, that right there might be part of the problem.




I dont really get what you mean or what anyone means. What else am i supposed to do?

I want to for one time in my life just be able to watch a guy and a girl that are in a relationship and see what special thing the guy is doing that is making her "interested"

All i know is im talking to someone, i like their personality, we have common interests, and i think they look good, so that makes me want to be in a relationship with them. What is so hard about that?

Then there are people here or there that like me a lot and want to go further but i dont have any interest in them due to looks or personality or we share nothing in coming yet they are all over me and i cut it off?

I swear every time i go out with someone i know how it's going to end. If i really like them, then i know they wont like me. If they really like me, i know i wont like them.

Is that what you mean by "connection" ? Just settle for something you dont really want?

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51 minutes ago, smackie9 said:

Women mistake "bad boyz" as confident men, that's why they are attracted.

What to change? Your game. Women like to feel desired, but it's tricky not to come off as creepy. Low, smooth laid back, but focused, confident. Being able to read body language, read their emotions, feel their vibe, and use these as clues to what you can do and say to make them feel warm and fuzzy. 

As for complaining about dating every weekend....damn you are lucky that you are going out on dates. So many don't even get that far. From what I can read from this your looks are not the issue if the ladies keep saying yes to that first date. 

Ive been saying this forever. At this point i wish i couldnt get dates. I would much rather be in a position where i just get no date to begin with, life would be a lot less frustratingly. 

There's nothing more annoying in life then everyone going out with you but won't get in a relationship with anyone and nobody on earth can explain why. It's just forever a curse.

Do you know Drake? I feel like Drake. Everyone wants to go out with Drake but nobody will be in a relationship with the guy. Feels like I'm so much better than any guy but nobody will be in a relationship 

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1 hour ago, poppyfields said:

OP, imo it's not about hobbies or even common interests.  Those things are what you look for when seeking friendships not an romantic involvement.

What's important is how you vibe together, how you connect, mentally, emotionally and physically.  Or even spiritually if into that.

I'm not there so I can only speculate that you're somehow lacking in your ability to connect on a level that surpasses the superficial (looks, car, job, status).

I have posted this before but energy and vibe are intangible forces that cannot be explained, they simply exist.   And when those intangibles are off, there will be no connection.

Again, just something to consider and if you don't understand what I mean or am referring to when I say energy and vibe, that right there might be part of the problem.




What connection? Like what is it. I've never once felt a specific "connection" with anyone except with people that dont like me back is what's funny 

Ive had people crazy about me but i dont like them at all. I felt nothing different there was no different "yes connection felt" or "no connection felt"

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24 minutes ago, Braytc said:

What connection? Like what is it. I've never once felt a specific "connection" with anyone except with people that dont like me back is what's funny 

Ive had people crazy about me but i dont like them at all. I felt nothing different there was no different "yes connection felt" or "no connection felt"

Well I don't really know how to respond to that except to repeat what I posted in my previous post:

>>if you don't understand what I mean or am referring to when I say energy and vibe, that right there might be part of the problem.

Apparently and this is not an accusation or judgment even though it might sound like it is, but it appears you view interactions between a man and a woman, including romantic interactions, as superficial --  nice looks, nice style, nice car, nice house, nice job, makes money - you posted that yourself.

According to you, what more could a woman want?

That is a very superficial way of viewing relationships and most people seek more than that, something deeper. 

Even on a first date, in fact one poster complained because he had just been rejected by a woman after what he considered to be a fabulous first date because as she put it "she didn't feel a connection" (paraphrasing).

But the good news is there are women out there who view things as superficially as you, you will simply have to try harder and face more rejection before you find her.

All the best.


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read "The Secret" maybe the power of positive energy/attitude/thinking will change things around for you. 

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On 3/1/2022 at 4:47 PM, poppyfields said:

Well I don't really know how to respond to that except to repeat what I posted in my previous post:

>>if you don't understand what I mean or am referring to when I say energy and vibe, that right there might be part of the problem.

Apparently and this is not an accusation or judgment even though it might sound like it is, but it appears you view interactions between a man and a woman, including romantic interactions, as superficial --  nice looks, nice style, nice car, nice house, nice job, makes money - you posted that yourself.

According to you, what more could a woman want?

That is a very superficial way of viewing relationships and most people seek more than that, something deeper. 

Even on a first date, in fact one poster complained because he had just been rejected by a woman after what he considered to be a fabulous first date because as she put it "she didn't feel a connection" (paraphrasing).

But the good news is there are women out there who view things as superficially as you, you will simply have to try harder and face more rejection before you find her.

All the best.


That isn't what i ment by that, i was just saying in general when looking at other guys that these girls get into relationships with. Im not saying its all superficial or about those things I'm just generally speaking.

Why does nobody have a connection with me when im not doing anything different than anyone else would? That's all im asking

What is a connection lol. Theres girls that like me a lot so they must have a connection with me but i turn them down for various actual concrete reasons. But how come they like me when i dont like them?

Anyone that i do feel a connection with and that i like a lot, they dont feel a connection


Do i have to be with someone i dont like? Is that the key to all of this?

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50 minutes ago, Braytc said:

What is a connection lol. Theres girls that like me a lot so they must have a connection with me but i turn them down for various actual concrete reasons. But how come they like me when i dont like them?

@BraytcI have no idea if what I am posting will make any sense to you, but I will give it my best shot.

A 'connection' or 'to connect' as defined is a coming together of two or more things (or people), joining together.

As it relates to romance it means two people feeling chemistry and a certain "energy" with each other, simultaneously.  I am not going to get into how energy impacts all living things, only to say as it relates to attraction and romance, it's pretty powerful when it happens.

So when you say women feel a connection with you but you DON'T, that is NOT a connection because again a connection is something both people are feeling simultaneously.  A joining together of both people's energies, a certain chemistry with each that goes beyond looks, job, status, and the superficial.

One cannot feel a connection and the other not, not possible.  It's attraction but it's not a connection.

I am wondering, have you never met a woman and felt an instantaneous chemistry with her, and she felt it with you?   It's hard to describe the feeling but when it happens, you both know it.  THAT is feeling a connection.

And if you have never experienced it, then you probably won't know what the HELL I am talking about!  😆

Speaking personally, I have been on great dates and not felt any sort of chemistry or connection.  The men claimed they did, but I knew they could not be feeling a connection because *I* was not, so how could it have been a connection?  Which again is a joining of two forces of energies coming together simultaneously?

What it was most likely was they were physically attracted and they had mistaken it for a chemistry and "connection."  

Many women seek that connection, that joining of mutual energies and chemistry.   It's often felt immediately between both people, that is how it's been for me and my relationships.

It has never been something that came after many dates, to me that's not even true chemistry, it's feeling comfortable with someone after how many dates and they are mistaking that for chemistry, JMO on that.  So when women reject you after the first date, they just weren't "feeling it" as the saying goes.  So it's a next.

As for you, you were attracted to them which attraction could be based on anything.

@Braytcagain I have no idea if this made any sense to you, it may not if you've never experienced it.  If that's the case, I hope someday you will because again it's pretty powerful and wonderful when it happens.



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