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My boyfriend, Jake, and I have been together for 2 and 1/2 years now and are in love. He recently reconected with a childhood friend online who lives close by. He never really knew her though as it was his sister's childhood friend. This friend, a girl, now seems to take up all his thoughts! I know he loves me but he is even planning on going to her apartment this weekend to 'look at it'. In this girl's blog she recently posted :

"yes yes... and i've been overcome with the awesomeness of jake.

he's one cool mother ****er.

we are going to don's guns...

to the shooting range...

going to fire AKs...

going to see jilly....

getting drunk...

and going to funhouses.

yes. "



to me this is crossing the line! i'm not allowed to drink but now he is going to get drunk with this single girl? and yes he has cheated on me before. We have worked through that though and are closer for it. We are even going to move in together within the next year. When i read this girl's post i could just feel my face get hot. Am i being to jealous and worried? i would love for him to just not talk to her anymore but i feel bad asking him to not make any new relationships with people! what do you think?

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No way, don't let him go alone. You're a couple, if he's gonna go there, you're going too. I would NEVER let my guy go alone in this situation. I don't mind him having girl friends, but this very situation would get me worried too. Don't let temptations set into your couple, right in your face, when you can avoid it. Also tell him it worries you and makes you very uncomfortable (especially since he cheated before!), if he cares about you, he will understand and he'll be okay with you coming. If he's going alone while knowing exactly how it makes you feel, then he's a jerk.


Also, this girl needs to realize he's NOT available, and you coming along will get this message clearly across.

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