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The Older Woman


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Hello all,


My nickname is CI. Im in a predicament, and was wondering if anyone out there could share some advice! Im a 19yr old jr marketing rep for a fortune 500 company. The majority of the people I work w/ are significantly older! Here's the problem. I work w/a friend of the family who is twice my age. We are truly good friends, although we flirt tremendously. As of late, we seem to be seeing more and more of each other away from work. We joke about hooking up all the time and I know that even though we're joking I still sense this energy between us. Other friends have also noticed this energy. I realize what Im feeling towards her is purely, juvenial infatuation, but I can say w/all honesty that we share common goals and interests. She is recently divorced and Im confident its playing a role in the grand scheme of things. She is steadily becoming one of my best friends. If you knew her, the way she behaves, and looks you wouldn't believe she's a day over 30! My question is Should I make a move. I understand the many, many consequences. I also understand that because of the age difference it is unrealistic to expect an actuall relationship, but she is more than a sexual conquest! What should I do. If we sent any more signals to each other we'd be working for the phone company! If the age wasn't there you'd swear we're the perfect couple!

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It seems you are smitten by this lady and that's fine. It could make a nice friendship or even a romance for a time.


I'd catch a hell of a lot of flack for telling you to back off of this because I'd very much encourage this if you were the lady and seeing an older man.


So without going into the grim details, for which I would surely catch hell, just give this tons of thought, unemotional, dispassionate thought...if you can...before you cast yourself deeply into the situation.


Over the long haul, I don't think it will work.


I will, however, tell you absolutely that I have seen situations like this turn out seemingly quite well but not often. It doesn't happen very often.


Please don't be offended but would there be any reason you might be looking for a mother figure? Or could she be looking for a child to raise?


There are certain biological imperatives why some men gravitate to younger, more fertile women...for reproductive reasons, etc.


I have already stretched myself here and will surely catch hell. Over and out. Be careful.

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