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all m fiances people trying to make us unhappy

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When I met my fiance i had gone out with a group of friends including his younger brother. In the past as me and the younger one were the 'single' ones in the group we were always being edged on to date. My friends would tell me that he wanted to take me out and they thought he liked me but i didn't feel the same. Even that night, he tried to get with me after I had met his brother..Anyway hes always been nice to me however just recently has became a complete bastard to my fiance. They run a business and he is causeibg trouble in that as well as in the family by bitching about him to our relatives. He doesnt visit or like us for no reason. He hasn't congratualated us on our engagement and has made up lies about me to my future mother in law that I am a drunk. (not true) He came over to my house bitching about his brother when he was at work a couple of weekes ago and now is being really rude to me.. Is it my fault he hates us. Do you thinks he was in love with me???


Part 2


My fiance has a child 8 yrs old who he split with his mother 5 years ago. Since i have known my fiance this woman has tried to spread lies that he is cheating on me in which i know he is not as i trust and i am with him most of the time. She fills her sons head with things to say about his dad to me whenever he comes over such as, my dads got another girlfriend or my dad flirts with my mum etc. Whenever we go out anywhere her friends who are 10 years older than me come up and say that he still loves his first wife.. I have really had enough of everyone and my fiance is always in a bad mood because of all these trouble makers. What should we do????

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First of all I think you must be young, if you care so much that someone doesn't congratulate you on your engagement. Who cares? Isn't the main point the fact that you're engaged and planning to spend your life with someone? What does it matter what someone else says, does or doesn't do?


Secondly, yeah..sounds like his ex wife still loves him and wants him back. Maybe he does have a thing going on with her, after all, she is the mother of his child. That's a strong bond that can never truly be broken. You said he's not with you all the time. You so sure he's not playing house with his child's Mommy? If all of her friends are telling you the things they are, consider there might be some truth there. How long after the end of his marriage did he hook up with you? Hopefully you're not just his rebound girl.



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Julia - Lauryn

Thanks for yor response. He met me 5 years after spliting with her and cannot stand her as she cheated on him and stirs up trouble all the time. He does NOT go over to her house. My fiance hangs around both of my brothers who work for him, when hes not with me, they would soon tell me if he was seeing anybody. I know he loves me, im just sick of people interfering and do not know how to deal with them. This lady is very pleasent to my face but horrible behind my back and she is always spreading rumors to my friends and I feel her son is suffering becauuse of the horrible things she tells him about his father that are not true. eg. he is a wife bashher - he is not and has not hit her - he does not pay child suuuuupport - ive seen the papers- Julia

First of all I think you must be young, if you care so much that someone doesn't congratulate you on your engagement. Who cares? Isn't the main point the fact that you're engaged and planning to spend your life with someone? What does it matter what someone else says, does or doesn't do? Secondly, yeah..sounds like his ex wife still loves him and wants him back. Maybe he does have a thing going on with her, after all, she is the mother of his child. That's a strong bond that can never truly be broken. You said he's not with you all the time. You so sure he's not playing house with his child's Mommy? If all of her friends are telling you the things they are, consider there might be some truth there. How long after the end of his marriage did he hook up with you? Hopefully you're not just his rebound girl. L
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