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how to get a guy to like my personality?


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ok hi i have a awesome personality well thats what all my friends tell me

but every guy i go out with i only is intrested in sexz and my breasts and butt and it gets on my nerves i wear clothes so the guys will stop but nothing works ok about 3 days ago a guy (one of my friends) asked me out then said i had nice butt then was like i know a place where we can make out where the principal never goes i wae so mad i almost screamed but theres this one guy that has been there for me for 5 years and he likes me for me my personality he told me he likes me but weve became very close lately and hes getting married but i love him but he will marry her............XOXOXOXOXOXXO


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Perhaps you are just going out with the wrong kind of guys?


Do the guys you have been going out usually act with other girls the same way they did with you?

If so, it might be interesting to find out why you are attracted to this kind of guys in the first place.


If they usually act in a totally different with their other dates, you have to find out why you are the exception.


Do the guys you have been dating have something in common? Do they know each other? Did you get to meet them in similar environments? If so, how did you get to meet them?


I'm asking because a friend of mine was in a similar situation some time ago, and it turned out that the reason why guys who asked her out seemed only interested in sex was that she had a bad reputation - which, by the way, was absolutely unmerited.


A co-worker of her had been spreading rumors that she was basically an easy lay. She was extremely shocked to find it out - isn't it amazing how noxious stupid co-workers can be?


It truly hope that nothing of this sort happened to you, but, if so, it would be best to find out.


Never go out with a guy that has asked you out in a way you find offensive. Why waste your time with troglodytes?


It's also better to stay away from men who let you know that they like you when they are dating someone else (let alone getting married).

(unless, of corse, this person meant just that he likes you as a friend).

You don't want to end up with someone who becomes so close with other women when he has a girlfriend.

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