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Is she still interested…. or could she be about to ghost me

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So any advice would be great here. Had a great weekend with a girl I met online. Following first date next day we did sleep together. I arranged another date few days later to go get some food. She said really enjoyed that and couldn’t wait for the next date so I told her I would arrange something for following weekend which she agreed 

However, I’ve noticed a small change in the length of time it takes for her to reply to a message. I mean we both have busy jobs so I know we aren’t on phones 24/7. 
she went away for 2 days on with business and she messaged me on first day saying it’s been non stop etc and she was going to have food and some drinks to chill. I did reply but I’ve not heard from her in almost 2 days. 

Should I be concerned here or am I over thinking things? 
I mean I know it’s a relatively new busy job for her but surely no contact while away is slightly odd. 
And I have not sent a follow up text as I hate double texting if a girl hasn’t replied to first text. 
any advice is much appreciated

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Do you have plans for your next date when she gets back from her trip or is that still up in the air?

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Yes. Meant to be meeting up tomorrow but I haven’t set a time yet and said I’d plan it but I haven’t gave her too much info as like to make things a bit interesting. but this silence from her is a bit odd 

like I say maybe I’m over thinking but I find it strange to get no reply to a previous message 

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Well she is on a business trip and she did reach out to you.

I'm not sure why you would purposely wait until the last minute to finalize plans. 

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3 hours ago, Adam899 said:

 Had a great weekend with a girl I met online.  I would arrange something for following weekend which she agreed 


Text response times are not a reliable barometer of interest. Be glad she has a life and isn't chitchatting 24/7.

Just set up the next date. Dating happens in person. Was your first date an entire weekend?

You're not exclusive so she may still be talking to and meeting others.

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Yep I’m with you. Wouldn’t want a girl chatting 24/7 

yeah I’ll try set up date for tomorrow. And yep she may well be talking to other people. Part and parcel of dating 

Worth giving her another text or phone call at some point then even though she didn’t respond to my last text 2 days ago? 

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I’ll give it a shot haha 

another thing would having her Insta user name on her fb be a bit of a red flag to guys?? 

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6 minutes ago, Adam899 said:

 would having her Insta user name on her fb be a bit of a red flag to guys?? 

What's the difference? Why would social media usernames be a red flag 🚩

Are you implying she is looking for money through sexual content on IG?

Are you connected to her via IG?

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I come from an era without the need for text messaging, such a thing as fear of “double texting”, Facebook or Instagram or worrying about other people messaging our crush or love interest. If we wanted to get in touch with one another we called. We waited and then we tried with a phone call again a day later. It’s as simple as that. She is busy on a business trip so wait for her to return and then give her a phone call for follow up and ask her how her trip went. 

Put yourself in her shoes and keep yourself busy. Stay grounded and down to earth in your approach and don’t worry about frequency of texting so early as she does seem into you. Let us know how it goes.

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Cheers glows 

good advice that is. Reckon a call or text would be better?? 
by the way still not heard from her haha 

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From what I gathered she should of been home today or last night. Something deffo not right and got feeling she’s ghosted or met someone else tbf . Call it Gut instinct haha 

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5 minutes ago, Adam899 said:

From what I gathered she should of been home today or last night. Something deffo not right and got feeling she’s ghosted or met someone else tbf . Call it Gut instinct haha 

I’d call tomorrow and follow up. Ask her out on a date. 

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That’s the thing though glows

meant to be going on another date tomorrow 

maybe she’s thinking I should message her to finalise but the fact she didn’t reply to my last message about how her day was etc 2 days ago isn’t right surely

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I still do not understand why you were leaving it until the last minute to finalize plans.

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It's unclear what you mean by "in fairness."

When you know she's just returning from a business trip and your date is tomorrow, why wait until the last minute to set a time? 


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You’re probably right.,., I just like to be spontaneous sometimes rather than setting solid plans thst can get dull 

but I do see what you mean 

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Spontaneous is good but it's still early days so you just have to be careful with that sort of thing.

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Yeah I get you 

I bottled it anyway and sent a short message. Bit suspicious. She was online before I sent it and she replied within 2 minutes 

response being omg I didn’t reply to last message. sorry lol and how have I been lol 

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OMG lol.

She is on a business trip.

Try to give her a pass there.

She's responsive and now you're talking so hopefully the two of you can come up with a time for your next date.


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25 minutes ago, Adam899 said:

 I just like to be spontaneous sometimes rather than setting solid plans thst can get dull 

"Spontaneous" means last minute and is a turn off. When already in a relationship it's fine.

But to try to set a second  date, it's better to actually make a date. Try not to let anxiety lead to procrastinating or fault finding.

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