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Is she still interested…. or could she be about to ghost me

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1 hour ago, Adam899 said:

Yeah I get you 

I bottled it anyway and sent a short message. Bit suspicious. She was online before I sent it and she replied within 2 minutes 

response being omg I didn’t reply to last message. sorry lol and how have I been lol 

There you go. Resume and make plans for tomorrow.

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20 hours ago, Adam899 said:

However, I’ve noticed a small change in the length of time it takes for her to reply to a message. I mean we both have busy jobs so I know we aren’t on phones 24/7. 
she went away for 2 days on with business and she messaged me on first day saying it’s been non stop etc and she was going to have food and some drinks to chill. I did reply but I’ve not heard from her in almost 2 days. 

Should I be concerned here or am I over thinking things? 
I mean I know it’s a relatively new busy job for her but surely no contact while away is slightly odd. 
And I have not sent a follow up text as I hate double texting if a girl hasn’t replied to first text. 
any advice is much appreciated

If she's backing off of the communication, then that's a good sign that you need to back off as well.  That's just the way it goes sometimes.  Just relax, leave her be and she'll hopefully come back around.

Don't try to fix it by calling her more or showing up at her job or anything like that.  She wants space so give her space.


response being omg I didn’t reply to last message. sorry lol and how have I been lol 

IMO you're coming on a little strong at this point.  Just relax man, don't pursue so much that you chase her away.  Wait for her to get in contact with you if she says she's busy.

There's not necessarily anything wrong if she becomes a little less responsive but if you in turn try to pursue more then that's where the problem starts.  She probably just wants some breathing room.

Edited by dramafreezone
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Yeah I can see where you’re coming from @dramafreezone

Luckily I don’t do any of thst kind of thing like show up at a persons work. I’m too busy for things like that and it’s not me anyway 

In terms of contact, I don’t blow her phone up with messages and sometimes can’t respond for an hour or 2 or 3 at times and if she hasn’t messaged me back I’ve left it like she did last weekend and she then got in contact with me 

if we do meet up do you think it’s best to not mention any further date ideas until another time?? As you say don’t want to come on strong and tbf I wouldn’t want to rush things either 

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Update @glows @dramafreezonehaha 

arranged to meet her today. We were chatting a bit last night etc 

she went gym last night and after said she now felt great 

Get a text about an hour ago saying she’s only just woken up (midday) and is full of cold with bad headache and asking if can we rearrange. and that she feels a bit burnt out  

If that’s not odd behaviour considering she felt great last night I don’t know what is hahahahaha 

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1 minute ago, Adam899 said:

arranged to meet her today. We were chatting a bit last night .Get a text about an hour ago saying she’s only just woken up.

This is why last minute and "spontaneous" is a bad idea. Ask her out In Advance for a fun and interesting date.


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1 hour ago, Adam899 said:

Update @glows @dramafreezonehaha 

arranged to meet her today. We were chatting a bit last night etc 

she went gym last night and after said she now felt great 

Get a text about an hour ago saying she’s only just woken up (midday) and is full of cold with bad headache and asking if can we rearrange. and that she feels a bit burnt out  

If that’s not odd behaviour considering she felt great last night I don’t know what is hahahahaha 

You’ll need to work on your level of distrust for someone you hardly know. There’s a lot of anxiety and attachment to her. Be kind and detach yourself from the outcome because you know she’s human too and it’s not unusual to be under the weather after a trip. If you constantly see the bad in others and suspect something is wrong your outlook is negative. People don’t want to be around that. 

From what little you know just be understanding, tell her you hope she recovers quickly and check in with her later tomorrow in the evening. If someone wants to meet or be with you that person will meet you half way. If she doesn’t or you feel she’s not putting in any effort to meet once she recovers then tell her you don’t sense any chemistry and prefer to go your separate ways. 

Realize also that she doesn’t hold all the decisions. You can walk away from this if it no longer appeals to you. 

Edited by glows
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1 hour ago, Adam899 said:

Update @glows @dramafreezonehaha 

arranged to meet her today. We were chatting a bit last night etc 

she went gym last night and after said she now felt great 

Get a text about an hour ago saying she’s only just woken up (midday) and is full of cold with bad headache and asking if can we rearrange. and that she feels a bit burnt out  

If that’s not odd behaviour considering she felt great last night I don’t know what is hahahahaha 

Thanks for the update.  It doesn't change my advice of backing off and relaxing.

She could very well be legitimately sick but I also think she wants space away from you for now.   I think she senses that you're getting a little too serious too quickly and most women are going to run for the hills if you're more serious than they are.

I would say "hope you feel better, just get in touch with me when you know of a time that works for you" and then leave it at that.

It should allow her to feel less smothered by your presence and it's a good gauge of where you stand.  If she gets back in touch with you then you know she's very interested.  If not well you know that her interest fell off for whatever reason and you can move on.

Edited by dramafreezone
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1 hour ago, Adam899 said:

@Wiseman2thats fair enough but it wasn’t that last minute when we arranged to meet 8 days ago but I see what you mean 

I don't quite agree with that.

The time of the date was left until the last minute and it's unclear if that was established at all?

Considering what you mentioned below, I assume you had two dates on the same night?

On the whole, I agree with Glows.

It is best to go your separate ways if you feel she is not putting in the effort. 

On 4/8/2022 at 7:30 AM, Adam899 said:

That’s the thing though glows

meant to be going on another date tomorrow 

maybe she’s thinking I should message her to finalise

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@glows @dramafreezone

well I just said hope you get better and left it at that 

she got back me asking if I was free yesterday or Friday 

I said I was busy yesterday as had plans but Friday be good so guess it’s not a bad thing she’s giving me alternative days but hey let’s see what happens, she could well cancel again and flake but I’m going to chill and see what happens. cheers for advice though guys. Appreciated 

by the way I think she went out on Friday night and was hungover so that’s reason she couldnt Meet up but I can’t prove that. Oh well 

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2 minutes ago, Adam899 said:


she got back me asking if I was free yesterday or Friday 

I said I was busy yesterday as had plans but Friday be good so guess it’s not a bad thing she’s giving me alternative days but hey let’s see what happens, she could well cancel again and flake but I’m going to chill and see what happens. cheers for advice though guys. Appreciated 

by the way I think she went out on Friday night and was hungover so that’s reason she couldnt Meet up but I can’t prove that. Oh well 

That's good to hear!  Don't spend time worrying about her personal life outside of when she's with you, it's really none of your concern and it can drive you crazy.  Good luck.

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