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What is wrong with this girl

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This is the same girl I've been posting about. Ok well anyway she likes me and I like her but in school or when we hang out, she acts so weird. She barely talks and ignores me. When I tell her she eithier gets mad or just says sorry and keeps doing it. Or she says Nothings wrong I don't know what your talking about. I can't think of anything I have done eithier. Whenever I just am like whatever she's like, "come back over here," but just keeps doing it. I think things can work out only thing I can think of is that shes having problems at home. I don't know if I should just say hi to her or what and just walk away. I really like her alot and all her friends tell me she likes me alot and she has told me she likes me but I can't put up with how shes been acting past 2 weeks. She used to never do this and talk alot. Any suggestions?

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She's playing games. It may be her personalized version of "hard to get." When she gets quiet, you pay more attention to her, which feeds her ego and reinforces the pattern.


Tell her it bothers you. If she stops playing you, then that's good news. But if she continues to do this, after you specifically told her it bothers you, then she's more interested in her ego and the game than you.


Good luck.

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She is emotionally abusing you and is enjoying the fact that you are taking it and continue to come back for more. My advice . No matter how much you like her , start ignoring her. I am not saying to ignore her as if its a game but to ignore her because you have respect for yourself and wont TOLERATE anything but the BEST treatment.


She basically pulls you in and then rejects you.


This girl has some problems.


No matter how much you like her or how pretty she is...this has got to STOP. Only you can stop it.


If you feel like you are weak and faltering around her then maybe NC is in order.


She MUST treat you good or you need to go. Okay ?

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This girl sounds to me that she is a player move on and find someone that wants to be with you and not play head games !!!Good Luck!!:bunny::D

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She told my female friend she likes me as a friend well shes fireddd ahaha i dont even care too much anymore so im so happy but she'll come crawling back and she's going to get hr just desserts :p

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i am so glad you aren't going to let her play you for a fool anymore!! Go find someone that deserves you and you deserve as well !! Good luck :D

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Yeah. You have told your own side of it. I am ot trying to side this girl but Ithink you should also look at yourself so that you know whether you have anything to contribute to that attitude. You said she has some family problem but you seem to be taking it lightly. May be you are the one to help her out and make her talk. You love this girland fromall indication she has something for you but you have to first of all crack both your shells.

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