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Imaginary girlfriend

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I've never dated a person but I would like to have this experience, so I'm thinking about creating an imaginary girlfriend, but I don't know how to do that, could anyone help me?

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28 minutes ago, Phoromporenor said:

I've never dated a person but I would like to have this experience, so I'm thinking about creating an imaginary girlfriend, but I don't know how to do that, could anyone help me?

How old are you? Are you in school/college? Don't get involved with scammers, catfish or sexcam workers online.

If you are old enough, get a good profile and pics on some quality dating apps.

Why not join some groups and clubs, volunteer, take some classes and courses and get involved in fitness and sports? That way you can get experience at least talking to girls.

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3 hours ago, Wiseman2 said:

Quantos anos você tem? Você está na escola/faculdade? Não se envolva com golpistas, bagres ou trabalhadores de sexcam online.

Se você tem idade suficiente, obtenha um bom perfil e fotos em alguns aplicativos de namoro de qualidade.

Por que não se juntar a alguns grupos e clubes, ser voluntário, fazer algumas aulas e cursos e se envolver em fitness e esportes? Dessa forma, você pode obter experiência, pelo menos, conversando com as meninas.

I'm 20 years old, I'm in college, I don't like dating apps, with the exception of those aimed at catholics


i'm not very outgoing, and the things i like are hard to find in clubs or face-to-face groups, i like middle ages and renaissance poetry and music, translation, genealogy and heraldry.

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26 minutes ago, Phoromporenor said:

I'm 20 years old, I'm in college, I don't like dating apps, with the exception of those aimed at catholics

It's unclear why you are quoting in Portuguese. However there are several Christian-based dating apps to try. There is also attending your church and church groups and retreats to meet girls.

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4 hours ago, Wiseman2 said:

It's unclear why you are quoting in Portuguese.

He's likely using a language conversion app 

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mark clemson
9 hours ago, Phoromporenor said:

I've never dated a person but I would like to have this experience, so I'm thinking about creating an imaginary girlfriend, but I don't know how to do that, could anyone help me?

Dating an imaginary GF will not be very much like dating a real one. A real one will have her own personality (with ALL that entails) whereas an imaginary one will only ever be what you think up for her "to be" in you spare time or as ideas spontaneously come to you.

Suggest you focus instead on finding a real GF if you want to actually have the experience. One way to go about this is (non-needily/excessively) talk to women until something of an emotional bond forms with them and they become interested in you (romantically) due to the attention.

Once they are interested in you, things become easy as they are essentially waiting for you to ask them on a date and/or "make a move" (e.g. kiss them) during time you spend together, and may even take the initiative themselves.

It will help if you can make yourself as attractive as possible and come across either as socially skilled and popular among the girls generally, or as very confident and independent - i.e., a "go-getter".

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mark clemson

I will add that women can be very different and even dating one may not prepare you overly well for dating a 2nd one due essentially to personality - e.g. differences in preferences, communication style, level of emotion, how they treat you and/or like to be treated by you, what they enjoy in sex as well as in a variety of other things, and their unconscious expectations WRT men, relationships, and life in general, and how all these factors "interact" with your personality and other specifics.

As a few examples, some women will want to wait for marriage before having (full) sex; others will happily be all over you, as sex is a component of bonding. Some will be domineering, while others will be more demure. Some will want to e.g. study or watch TV together, others will want to go out a lot with a large group of friends. Etc, etc, etc. Although there are some common trends, every person and every couple is unique.

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If you are 20 years old and in college, why fool with a dating apps.  I was very shy when I entered college and I didn't date anyone the freshman year.  I gave myself an assignment when I went back my sophomore year, I had to go on a date every weekend.  I think I was really afraid of a relationship so I had a rule that I could not date the same girl two weekends in a row.  I could date the same girl twice provided I went out with someone else between the two dates.  Over the next few years I had four girl friends and married the fourth.  Half a century later I am still married to her.  As you can see the plan has certain risks, but really college is the best time of your life for numerous dating experiences.  Enjoy life and girls will be attracted to you.

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I don't think trying to create an imaginary girlfriend is going to be beneficial for you. Do they have catholic services at the chapel on your campus? If so, go to church where you have a good chance of meeting catholic girls. If not, go to the nearest catholic church and get involved. There might also be clubs on campus that are related to your interests. 

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15 hours ago, Phoromporenor said:

 i like middle ages and renaissance poetry and music, translation, genealogy and heraldry.

Perhaps "imaginary GF" is a translation error because it makes no sense. 

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I had an imaginary girlfriend in my early 20s, 

I could never make any impression with women at the time, and put on this act for the sake of gaining kudos from my male buddies,

You know I enjoyed that type of imaginary world for a while, but ultimately I did myself no favours- I ended up losing some of those male friends- who said they lost respect for me over it,

It was nearly early to mid 30s before I started gaining any meaningful relationships with women and I would definitely regret some of those wasted years- I mean years spent living in an imaginary world,

What would I say to a younger me now or to a guy in your situation,

develop your interests and own them in the sense of having a purpose and giving off the vibe that you now know in your mind what you want,

its all confidence with these women-especially the ones in demand- they want to see confidence and a guy knowing and expressing what he wants,

so Id say develop a sense of purpose to your demeanour ,  be friendly with people, be open to engage and join various groups without pushing too hard either,

and I imagine a few months down the line ,girlfriends and all that will be more obtainable for you.



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You have a lot of interests there....and they are popular with people, so you should be able to join a few groups that share those interests. That's how you can meet girls. 

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I'm guessing imaginary girlfriend only means you're thinking of what a girlfriend should be to you. That's remarkably astute by the way and most people don't actually do that especially young people. We don't necessarily think about all the things we want in the partner and whether we might be compatible with them in the long run. Either way, find someone with similar interests and outlook, see what they're about. Meet people in person and avoid online scams and apps if they're not for you. I think the apps are good as a frame or alternative but it's not enough relying on them solely. 

Join some groups and meet people on campus. You mentioned being outgoing. Find a job if you're not working and other organizations you like or want to be a part of professionally. Start thinking about where you want to be.

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