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I'm through with this crap!!!

Surfer Guy

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Well, you know how I'm always on here telling everyone how great my girlfriend is and how I love her soooo much and all? Well, all that has changed as of today. Earlier today, I called her house to see if maybe she wanted to go see a movie or something. Her mom told me that she didn't want to see me or talk to me or have anything to do with me because she is engaged to some other guy. Well, being the nice guy that I am, I hung up the phone and wrote a pretty nasty email to her, then, took a walk to try and relieve some of the pain. Well, I saw her car in the driveway of a friend of her's house and I went up there. Just before I got to the door she came out and said, "Please go away." I said, look I really have something to say. And she said, "Well, I'll email you." Then, I just said, "Why did I have to find out from your mother?" And she said, "Please, just go." So I left, and she went back into the house. I'm pretty broken up about this but I am keeping in mind that there are plenty of women out there and I shouldn't get so screwed up over one of them. But why would she do this when just the other day she looked into my eyes and told me that she loved me? I don't get it. Are all women like this? I was nothing but nice to her and I respected her. I would just like to know where I went wrong. If you have any piece of advise, guys or girls. It would be much appreciated!!!

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How awful. Unfortunately, some people just don't have the courage to tell the truth in a straightforward manner...avoidance is easier for them but not kinder.


You didn't do anything wrong. She probably told you she loved you because of how nice you had been and she felt guilty for the things she has been doing. Maybe she loves you as a friend.


Get angry! You deserve to be. It'll help to get her off your mind. Be glad you are not the one she chose, because guess how well he will be treated! What a prize he got. Now you know the facts, would you feel good about a relationship with her, ever?


If I were you I would immediately get involved in activities I enjoyed, stay busy, and give yourself some time before you even look for someone else. If she calls or e-mails don't respond, don't give her the satisfaction - besides, she doesn't deserve a reply. That will send her a message loud and clear.


Are all women like this? I don't think so, men either. Bad things happen, learn from it and be glad, but don't give up hope because good things happen too.

Well, you know how I'm always on here telling everyone how great my girlfriend is and how I love her soooo much and all? Well, all that has changed as of today. Earlier today, I called her house to see if maybe she wanted to go see a movie or something. Her mom told me that she didn't want to see me or talk to me or have anything to do with me because she is engaged to some other guy. Well, being the nice guy that I am, I hung up the phone and wrote a pretty nasty email to her, then, took a walk to try and relieve some of the pain. Well, I saw her car in the driveway of a friend of her's house and I went up there. Just before I got to the door she came out and said, "Please go away." I said, look I really have something to say. And she said, "Well, I'll email you." Then, I just said, "Why did I have to find out from your mother?" And she said, "Please, just go." So I left, and she went back into the house. I'm pretty broken up about this but I am keeping in mind that there are plenty of women out there and I shouldn't get so screwed up over one of them. But why would she do this when just the other day she looked into my eyes and told me that she loved me? I don't get it. Are all women like this? I was nothing but nice to her and I respected her. I would just like to know where I went wrong. If you have any piece of advise, guys or girls. It would be much appreciated!!!
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Hey Surfer Dude!


Thank you for your advice in reference to my problem. I appreciate it. Now your problem: not all women are this inconsiderate and selfish. I am sorry you are hurt, that news is truly devastating. She does not have the courage to face you, since you were so nice to her. It also seems as though she does not want anything to interfere with her new engagement plans. Time will help you heal. At least you know the truth, even though it is not in full. You obviously do not need someone like her in your life. She is secretive and deceptive. You are not at fault. You did nothing wrong. Keep extremely busy, so you don't have time to hurt and reflect. Goodluck. Pray and try to relax. If you are such a nice guy, I am sure you will find a woman who appreciates you and is honest.

How awful. Unfortunately, some people just don't have the courage to tell the truth in a straightforward manner...avoidance is easier for them but not kinder. You didn't do anything wrong. She probably told you she loved you because of how nice you had been and she felt guilty for the things she has been doing. Maybe she loves you as a friend.


Get angry! You deserve to be. It'll help to get her off your mind. Be glad you are not the one she chose, because guess how well he will be treated! What a prize he got. Now you know the facts, would you feel good about a relationship with her, ever? If I were you I would immediately get involved in activities I enjoyed, stay busy, and give yourself some time before you even look for someone else. If she calls or e-mails don't respond, don't give her the satisfaction - besides, she doesn't deserve a reply. That will send her a message loud and clear. Are all women like this? I don't think so, men either. Bad things happen, learn from it and be glad, but don't give up hope because good things happen too.

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something like this happened to me about 3 years ago, I was with this girl for about 2 years, I thought we were getting married, it turned out that she met someone else and "hung out" with him for 2 months when we were still together. He ended up screwing her and then dumping her, and it was over for her in 2 months, It took me a long time to get over it, almost 2 years ( is That normal???) it was the hardest thing I had to deal with ever. the advice I got was to not contact her and stay away, did I follow that advice, of course not!!!! Looking back, I should have walked away from her and never looked back, it is the best thing to do even though it's the hardest!!!! I too spent a lot of time thinking of all the things I didn't do in our relationship and blaming myself, but you know what, it's not your fault, someone that can't sack up and be honest with you don't deserve to be with you brother! It's better you find out now than later when your married! I know that I keep hope that not all women are like that!!! Stay strong brother!!

Hey Surfer Dude! Thank you for your advice in reference to my problem. I appreciate it. Now your problem: not all women are this inconsiderate and selfish. I am sorry you are hurt, that news is truly devastating. She does not have the courage to face you, since you were so nice to her. It also seems as though she does not want anything to interfere with her new engagement plans. Time will help you heal. At least you know the truth, even though it is not in full. You obviously do not need someone like her in your life. She is secretive and deceptive. You are not at fault. You did nothing wrong. Keep extremely busy, so you don't have time to hurt and reflect. Goodluck. Pray and try to relax. If you are such a nice guy, I am sure you will find a woman who appreciates you and is honest.


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Mate, that's a tough thing to go through and you have my sympathy. It doesn't seem like you have gone wrong at all, you just have to accept her the way she is and get the heck away from her.


Sometimes we don't know what people are really like until well down the track, now you have found this out about her, be relieved that it has happened now and not in the future when it would hurt even more. I guarantee you most women are not like this, and if you get back into the fray I';m sure you will find the same thing you had with this women, but much more honest and everlasting, or maybe you won't straight away, but at least you will be out there and will find a good one sooner or later.


Just don't waste any more energy on this one...she has made up her mind that she is a bitch and she literally kicked your arse doing it.

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hi surfer guy,


i'm really sorry to hear about what this girl has done to you. and let me tell you one thing before i get started - NOT ALL CHICKS ARE LIKE THIS (thank goodness for that!!!).


this girl really is one in a million, and not in a good sense either. her actions make me want to be sick and it's a good thing you're out of her life now and not down the track when you would have been even more attached.


i can guarantee you that the way she behaved is not a reflection on you. it's unfortunate for her that her standards lie where they do and fortunate for you that, like you said, you don't have to put up with this crap anymore. actually, she probably knows you are too good for her, hence the reason you two are now over. if she does talk to you, you might want to thank her for giving you the opportunity to go out there and find a girl who will give you so much more than she was ever capable of doing. she's actually done you a favour here. i pity her fiance, too.


humph.....personally, i think her actions stink, but don't let this put you off finding a great girl, because i know many girls who would never behave like this. you'll be thanking her oneday for being such a cow when you are blissfully happy with ms right.


best wishes :)

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