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Breakup struggles.

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My situation is a bit odd. I won't go into every little detail, but I was dumped by my recent ex 3/4 months into our relationship and after it, we had a sexual relationship and they wanted to get back together. However, after a while I could tell I was just being used so I cut ties. My ex would guilt trip me whenever I would mention that we should take a break from communication bc they still wanted to be my friend. I was exhausted from this mind game of going back-and-forth so I ghosted my ex instead. My ex made two new female friends and spoke to me less, so i thought it was the perfect opportunity to just leave. It sucked and I actually still love my ex but for the sake of my mental health I had to let go. 


It has been over a month and I am struggling. I didn't speak to my friends about it, or anyone about it, I just wiped my socials and blocked/deleted him. I focused on myself more and my work, but now that I have time to myself and have met new people (friends) , I find myself thinking of him a lot even though i know he did not treat me good and that he is happy. I also heard he had a new girlfriend quickly after I ghosted him so I knew I made the correct decision. I'm feeling stuck in my life like I can't move forward. I also have became grossed out by the idea of love and romance and I have no idea why. I feel exhausted mentally and physically, like I'm not prepared to give myself to another person again.. but yet I want that? I would like a family and marriage eventually.. 


Will I get over these thoughts/feelings?

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2 hours ago, QueenBanrigh said:

 I ghosted my ex instead.  I just wiped my socials and blocked/deleted him.

You did the right thing ending it and deleting and blocking him and all his people from ALL your social media and messaging apps.

Dating 14 weeks is a good time to observe things and in this case he downshifts things to FWB.

Good you are getting involved in other aspects of life. In time you'll realize what a turd he was being all along. You dodged a bullet.


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10 hours ago, QueenBanrigh said:

Will I get over these thoughts/feelings?

Yes, you will and that means being dedicated and persistent to your own commitments and personal health (mentally, physically). Make sure you eat well, get adequate nutritious food, exercise and take care of yourself. Make new memories with your family and friends. You'll eventually venture out and start going on dates. 

Good of you to dump your ex. He doesn't sound like much of a catch.

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