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Dumped for a 60 Year Old Woman

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10 minutes ago, LaurenJJJ said:

As I said amongst my now quite many replies, this is something encouraged by my psychologist - to vent somewhere with a time limit and then to get fed up with it.

But every time I reply to a question on here, its taken as me being not over him, or whatever.  I can't believe that someone suggested I should message him to congratulate him on his wedding.  The guy was trying to pretend he was single only 6 weeks ago!

People do all sorts of crazy things when relationships end.  I haven't done anything crazy and I never will.  This is literally as far as it goes for me.  The guy is deliberately doing things to attract my attention, he is aware now that I have rejected him because he is married and all I am doing is venting about it.  This is really quite in perspective.

I wonder how other people would react if they woke up to a newspaper article about their cheating ex?  Honestly, it is kind of funny in a black humour sort of way.  I think I better not reply any more because its being interpreted to suit a particular narrative now.  Many thanks to those who have contributed.

I’ve read the thread as venting in order to get back to your regular life. Often people come to the forums not for advice but to vent about an incident or situation they might not feel comfortable telling family and friends, something personal. 

He’s not a catch. Be glad he’s gone and live well in any way you choose. As long as it has nothing to do with him, you’re golden. Make sure he’s blocked completely from contacting you. He’s already proven that he doesn’t respect boundaries. 


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30 minutes ago, BaileyB said:

And catastophizing.

You may never return to your former self - you may actually find yourself better off because of this. You certainly dodged a bullet - now, you can find the man with whom you are truly meant to spend your life. And, you will do so with the wisdom and experience that you will not ignore future red flags, you will not stay with a man who does not respect and value you, and with the knowledge that your partner was unfaithful/the relationship ended — and you survived! Life went on, you found someone else to date… 

And "catastrophising" as well?  Gosh.  So far you've told me (on this page alone) that I'm dramatising (5 times), belittling, my opinion doesn't matter, my psychologist is incompetent and probably not qualified, and I've to contact my ex and wish him well on his marriage.

As I've explained, I'm venting.  In a day or two or perhaps sooner, I will be back to being totally fed up with this troublemaker.  

Out of all the ways that any person could react to such a strange set of behaviours that they have been subjected to, over quite a lengthy period of time, venting anonymously really is amongst the most harmless.

As I say, venting.  I don't really want to keep having to reply to you to say this but I'm not really very suggestible, so I tend to be quite resistant to people using strong adjectives and telling me how I'm supposed to be feeling.  I don't think I was suggestible enough at all all along...  I really appreciate you taking the time to post though.

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52 minutes ago, glows said:

I’ve read the thread as venting in order to get back to your regular life.

OP if you just want to vent without any response from members you can also open up a thread just to vent.  You can also journal here.  I've seen other posters open up a vent thread and vent daily without any response.

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Hi all,

 @LaurenJJJ has had a great opportunity to receive lots of feedback about her feelings following finding out about her ex cheating. You've provided some wonderful insights for her to consider, yet it seems that we are not really meeting LaurenJJJ's needs.

We'll be closing this thread to further replies

Edited by Lisa
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