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How can 2 people be so evil?

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I have known my ex since 2013. I will refer to her as (curly) since she has beautiful curly hair. We were on and off. We broke up in 2018 officially. While we were dating I have another ex we will call her (blue) she has blue eyes that I was in a love triangle with between the three of us. Since breaking up those two became friendly and I truly believe they bonded over making a joke out of me. Since they both claimed to have moved on.


Well Blue and I secretly began hanging out about a month ago. And she blocked curly because of it and didn’t tell her why. Curly is very smart and figured it out herself. But once it was confirmed she went ballistic and called blue shady. So myself and blues bestfriend messaged her and made fun of the fact that she gained weight and threatened her not to message blue anymore. We also accused her of stalking blue.

Well she pretty much told the best Friend off. Blue made me block her every where. Her phone number, and all of her social media. She would constantly message me and ask me if it was true that I was back with blue but I never answered. I just blocked her.  Blue is truly the woman of my dreams. She’s beautiful, her eyes are stunning. Curly is beautiful as well but I could never be with her. We have too much history. 
Ever since this all happened, curly has deleted her Instagram. Like her entire page is gone. I knew she wasn’t gonna be able to handle me posting and gushing about blue but I never expected her to delete her page. 
She deleted all of her social media except Facebook. But she only post funny things (she’s hilarious) or uplifting quotes on Facebook. Nobody has heard a peep from her. She’s never just disappeared before. She had lots of followers on Instagram…… and she just deleted her page. 
I’m worried maybe she was pushed to the edge. Or that I mentally damaged her permanently. I know she’s there because she post about working overtime and things like that. But she never post herself or anything 

Edited by Costaricanguy35
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25 minutes ago, Costaricanguy35 said:

So myself and blues bestfriend messaged her and made fun of the fact that she gained weight and threatened her not to message blue anymore. We also accused her of stalking blue. I’m worried maybe she was pushed to the edge.

Cyberbullying is Never appropriate. Leave both of them alone. Curley wants nothing to do with you and Blues seems like a snake.

Being on/off, cheating, etc. are all bad news. Try uplifting your integrity, from your social media presence to your dating a habits, and you'll have less drama.

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7 minutes ago, Wiseman2 said:

Cyberbullying is Never appropriate. Leave both of them alone. Curley wants nothing to do with you and Blues seems like a snake.

Being on/off, cheating, etc. are all bad news. Try uplifting your integrity, from your social media presence to your dating a habits, and you'll have less drama.

I’m dating blue lol 

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1 hour ago, Wiseman2 said:

Cyberbullying is Never appropriate. Leave both of them alone. Curley wants nothing to do with you and Blues seems like a snake.

Being on/off, cheating, etc. are all bad news. Try uplifting your integrity, from your social media presence to your dating a habits, and you'll have less drama.

Blue and I are dating. Maybe I shouldn’t have made fun of curly and maybe the way blue and I got together was shady. But blue is the perfect girl for me. 

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It sounds like you feel guilty and concerned about Curly but it seems more to me that she wants nothing to do with the lot of you and that's understandable. If you have any self-respect or respect for another person leave Curly alone and don't involve yourself or reach out to her. She is clearly indicating she wants nothing to do with either of you. 

Go on and live the rest of your life in peace without affecting anyone else negatively or harassing anyone. It sounds like the both of them making a joke out of you and being friendly with one another backfired so you have some poetic justice. I'd watch my back if I were you around a woman like Blue as she seems untrustworthy and changeable. People generally always get back what's coming for them. It's called karma. 


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17 minutes ago, glows said:

People generally always get back what's coming for them. It's called karma. 


Who are you referring to getting karma

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2 hours ago, glows said:

It sounds like you feel guilty and concerned about Curly but it seems more to me that she wants nothing to do with the lot of you and that's understandable. If you have any self-respect or respect for another person leave Curly alone and don't involve yourself or reach out to her. She is clearly indicating she wants nothing to do with either of you. 

Go on and live the rest of your life in peace without affecting anyone else negatively or harassing anyone. It sounds like the both of them making a joke out of you and being friendly with one another backfired so you have some poetic justice. I'd watch my back if I were you around a woman like Blue as she seems untrustworthy and changeable. People generally always get back what's coming for them. It's called karma. 


Also to delete her entire social media over this is crazy

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She was bullied/insulted by you two...no it's not crazy to delete everything. I guarantee you she opened up new SM under an assumed name to be left alone and to avoid any more attacks. She did it to solve a problem and her course of action was the right thing to do. 

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7 hours ago, Costaricanguy35 said:

So myself and blues bestfriend messaged her and made fun of the fact that she gained weight and threatened her not to message blue anymore. We also accused her of stalking blue.

Shame on all of you. 

5 hours ago, Costaricanguy35 said:

But blue is the perfect girl for me. 

And yet you're checking up frequently on Curly's social media. 

Sounds like sour grapes for you, OP. That's what you get when you behave like an immature bully. 

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21 minutes ago, smackie9 said:

She was bullied/insulted by you two...no it's not crazy to delete everything. I guarantee you she opened up new SM under an assumed name to be left alone and to avoid any more attacks. She did it to solve a problem and her course of action was the right thing to do. 

Actually a mutual friend told me she doesn’t have Instagram only Facebook and that she said she won’t make a new Instagram until she “heals”. We weren’t trying to bully her. She insulted blue when she found out we were dating behind her back! So that’s how we retaliated. Blues best friend was angry at what curly said  

Edited by Costaricanguy35
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23 minutes ago, smackie9 said:

She was bullied/insulted by you two...no it's not crazy to delete everything. I guarantee you she opened up new SM under an assumed name to be left alone and to avoid any more attacks. She did it to solve a problem and her course of action was the right thing to do. 

She said hurtful things to us too. She did first actually. But when it was confirmed blue and I were dating she deleted her social media that’s weird

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7 minutes ago, ExpatInItaly said:

Shame on all of you. 

And yet you're checking up frequently on Curly's social media. 

Sounds like sour grapes for you, OP. That's what you get when you behave like an immature bully. 

It’s just weird that she disappeared. She went off on blue. Called her shady. We respond and then she saw video of me and blue dancing in the club I work at on social media And that’s when she disappeared after that. She would watch our stories too!

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mark clemson

Sounds like you "played games" and someone got hurt. Too bad, but - c'est la vie.

Was there a question in all of this or was the point of your post just to share a story?

FWIW, my suggestion would be to leave "Curly" alone and focus on your relationship with "Blue". Let her go find new folks to make her happy, since you and Blue have each other now.

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Isn't she doing you a favour by "disappearing"? What could you possibly want with her now that you have the woman of your "dreams"? 

Don't be a parasite. Let her go.

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53 minutes ago, Costaricanguy35 said:

It’s just weird that she disappeared. 

No, it isn't. 

She has moved on from all of you. That's it. 

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57 minutes ago, mark clemson said:

Sounds like you "played games" and someone got hurt. Too bad, but - c'est la vie.

Was there a question in all of this or was the point of your post just to share a story?

FWIW, my suggestion would be to leave "Curly" alone and focus on your relationship with "Blue". Let her go find new folks to make her happy, since you and Blue have each other now.

I just didn’t trust her intentions. What if she pops up again with her drama. Her behavior is odd

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15 minutes ago, ExpatInItaly said:

No, it isn't. 

She has moved on from all of you. That's it. 

To delete her social media? Doubt it. I’ve know her for 7 years. She always comes back with her drama. 

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8 hours ago, Costaricanguy35 said:

So myself and blues bestfriend messaged her and made fun of the fact that she gained weight and threatened her not to message blue anymore.

Bragging about cyberbullying ? You and your GF deserve each other.

The other girl just got rid of both of you. It's surprising she didn't report you and the apps didn't ban you two.

Cowards cyberbully. That's basically it.

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13 minutes ago, Wiseman2 said:

Bragging about cyberbullying ? You and your GF deserve each other.

The other girl just got rid of both of you. It's surprising she didn't report you and the apps didn't ban you two.

Cowards cyberbully. That's basically it.

She did actually lol. She had me removed from Facebook 

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3 minutes ago, Costaricanguy35 said:

She did actually lol. She had me removed from Facebook 

Excellent. You deserve to be banned form FB and all social media for cyberbullying.

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12 minutes ago, Wiseman2 said:

Excellent. You deserve to be banned form FB and all social media for cyberbullying.

So her going ballistic and calling my girl shady means nothing?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was dating this guy for years. It wasn’t good at all. He’s a manipulative person. I truly feel this man is narcissist. And I suffered mental abuse from him. We haven’t been together in years (I’ll state why keep reading) but he would still talk to me recently.

I had a friend I would  vent to and she would always say he’s a loser. One day she randomly blocked me on Instagram. I had no Idea why. I knew I hadn’t had any conflict with her so I let it slide for some weeks.

About a month ago he and I got into an argument. He taunted me saying he was seeing her. I didn’t believe it at first but he said “you’re so naive haha” so it was pretty much confirmed that he and my friend started dating behind my back. That’s why she blocked me. I went ballistic when I had it confirmed. I told her it was very shady and that I was nothing but genuinely good to her. She didn’t respond. He messaged me pretty much taunting me. I have Crohn’s disease and one of my meds made me gain weight. He told me that I was fat and no guy would ever want to date me. He sent me a pic of the stay puft marshmallow man and said that’s me (idiot). He said to me I should’ve known he never cared about me. That i’m only a sex object. He said I used to have looks and that’s all but now I don’t even have that. Told me he finally got the girl of his dreams and his prayer have been answered. I took  all that he said and I remained calm. I wanted to be strong so I Just blocked them and tried to gather myself. Then she posted him and her out and said “a night out with bae” no remorse at all.

The next day she texted me and told me what a loser I am and I’m obsessed with her new bf.

So here’s the thing…. He is a convicted sex offender. He slept with a 16 year old. That’s gross and I know he’s a loser. In my head I know she’s making a fool of herself dating such a jerk and pedophile like that. He’s also given multiple women stds.  He stalked my family. One day he told me he knows where my mom lives and confirmed her address. This man has been arrested several times for stalking women. What baffles me is that my friend knows this and still dated him. 

I see pics of them and it doesn’t bother me. But I can’t stop wanting to get revenge on them. 
or waiting for karma to come for all the things he said to me. He’s on probation and he’s always out at night clubs and drinking and it’s just like he gets away with everything. He has social media and he leaves his county often. All the things he’s not supposed to do. Yet he has not been caught for violating his probation. I’ve never hated anyone so much. There has been several times I should’ve reported him to the police but my heart always tells me he will get his karma and I felt like I would get bad karma if I did.

I know I didn’t miss out on a thing she can have the sex offender but how do I train my brain to not want revenge?

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Think differently by realizing she saved you from that a hole and since she did it in a shady manner, she will find out pretty quickly what he is all about. tell her to enjoy the abuse, karma is a bych. 

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