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Having Trouble with feeling Jelous


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I have been seeing my current girlfriend for two and a half years ,recently she went out on a girls night out and came home at 7am in the morning ,I said to her when she came in "gee your late ,I was starting to worry" to which she replyed that she had met a guy in a bar and went back to his place for a coffee (about 3 hours or so),Now I know she is very "chatty " after a few drinks and its just her personality to do something like that ,but It did make me feel a little insecure and jelous a feeling that I dont like coss I do trust her ..am I being overly insecure ? ,I appreciate the fact that she told me what she had been doing (after all she could have said nothing) ,and I like her to be happy when she goes out with her friends and I definately dont want to become one of those "control freaks " ..any advise very appreciated

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It was absolutely WRONG for your girlfriend to meet somebody at a bar (that part was OK) but then go home with a COMPLETE STRANGER...while you are sitting home.


I think this instance gives rise to questioning whether this is the right girl for you, whether she is ready for a committed relationship, whether she has the sense of responsiblity required for proper conduct in a relationship, whether she has the morals and/or ethics you require in a partner, etc.


What she did was totally inappropriate. Furthermore, if any girlfriend of mine came home at 7a.m. and told me she had been at a strange guy's place, a guy she met at a bar, she would be ANCIENT, like long past, HISTORY in my life.


This is a girl you will have to watch closely. Frankly, I think you deserve a lot better. She's not somebody you want to trust, whether they made whoopie or not with this dude she met...makes no difference. She showed you about the greatest lack of consideration and respect she could possibly show.


I don't care how sorry she is. This could happen again and probably will. A lady who can easily be convinced to go to a stranger's place at 3a.m., a lady who is in a committed relationship, has some ethical and moral issues that go beyond your ability to solve. Drunk is no excuse for her behavior.


Why did you even have to ask this question???

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I'd feel more than just a little jealous if I was in your situation. Going home with a guy she just met at a bar!? She'd be out the door. And they only had coffee!? I wouldn't even believe that. You have every right to feel how you feel. Confront her about it.

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hi kissking,


my jaw dropped to the floor when i read that she went home for cofee with another guy she had just met. i mean, it's all good and well if she's a single chicky, but she aint!! hooley dooley....that is just unbelievable. quite frankly, i think it is wrong with a capital W. i wouldn't just be feeling a little insecure, i would be feeling irate....you have no reason to be okay with this scenario. if the tables were turned and it were you who went home with some strange girl, i don't think she'd exactly be doing backflips in the living room now, do you?


i'm just flabbergasted....you don't go home with a total stranger for "coffee" while your partner is sitting at home trusting you to come home to THEM!!! ...and what was so interesting about this guy that she couldn't bring him to your place to meet you and have coffee together??? why the heck did she have to follow him??


personally, i'm all for my partner going out without me and having their own life, but she's a bloody fool if she expects you to be okay with what she did....if that were my boyfriend, i'd dump his arse, before it becomes a regular habit and i end up with a broken heart.

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I have been seeing my current girlfriend for two and a half years ,recently she went out on a girls night out and came home at 7am in the morning ,I said to her when she came in "gee your late ,I was starting to worry" to which she replyed that she had met a guy in a bar and went back to his place for a coffee (about 3 hours or so),Now I know she is very "chatty " after a few drinks and its just her personality to do something like that ,but It did make me feel a little insecure and jelous a feeling that I dont like coss I do trust her ..am I being overly insecure ? ,I appreciate the fact that she told me what she had been doing (after all she could have said nothing) ,and I like her to be happy when she goes out with her friends and I definately dont want to become one of those "control freaks " ..any advise very appreciated



Do you feel like your unworthy of respect in your realtionship? She has blatently disprespected what you have. Whether she did anything or not with this guy, Its totally unacceptable!!! Dont let this girl walk all over you. men who are doormats are a BIG turnoff. You first have to respect yourself to be respected. And no, you would not be a "control freak" by putting your foot down and setting the rules straight. If she cant mutually abide by them, then she isnt the girl for you.


hope it works out,



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