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Stuck n limbo

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Stuck n limbo

Hello all and thanks for the time to read my plea for help! I madde the mistake of going back to a woman who left me once before only too have her do it again and to the same person as first time! My problem is she seemed so real and I cant understand or find closure within myself. I realize I cant change her and I truly dont want her back! What i do want is the ability to let go of the questions of why? And I want to be able to trust again? Its been a year! I cant seem to open up to the women i date and feel so cold now! Please let me know your thoughts on this. I respect all opinions and thanks in advance!



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Hi there,


I can totally relate to you!!! Í have spent a lot of time wondering too why I can´t seem to fully let go, and remain cold to people I date... I know I made the totally right decision to break up, but the feelings of being very closed-off remains...


I met a guy shortly after my break up who has tried to show me TRUE love. However, I like him a lot and appreciate him-feel nothing though!!!


I think it takes a lot of time for the heart to heal fully after you´ve let yourself go to a person, and they simply took advantage of you... It´s like the mind won´t allow yourself to let go like that again... At least not for a while. For some I am sure they can heal quickly-for others it will take years.


It´s been 8 months since my breakup-we have a child together, so for me it may take years to move on.


Hope fully you weren´t married or had kids together-then you won´t have to see her ever again,which will speed up the healing process.


Please just keep in mind that she probably wasn´t aware of just how much pain she was causing you, and whatever she did to you is a problem with her and not with you. There are so many people in this world of about 5 billion people who would never think of doing what she did to you.


Just be careful next tme-and get to know the person carefully before you let them in...


Take your time to heal-don´t rush into anything-you will end up even more hurt, as well as hurt someone else who may be good for you, but for whom you just can´t let in because you´re not yet healed.


I feel for you, because I am there now-just waiting till I can become my normal self again. I feel so cold, and I know I am not actually like that at all!


Good luck!!!


If you ever need to talk I´ll be glad to give you my e-mail address!!


Hello all and thanks for the time to read my plea for help! I madde the mistake of going back to a woman who left me once before only too have her do it again and to the same person as first time! My problem is she seemed so real and I cant understand or find closure within myself. I realize I cant change her and I truly dont want her back! What i do want is the ability to let go of the questions of why? And I want to be able to trust again? Its been a year! I cant seem to open up to the women i date and feel so cold now! Please let me know your thoughts on this. I respect all opinions and thanks in advance! G
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