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Reference problems, should I be worried? Plus the licensing

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I accepted a job for the fall teaching at a charter school.  I got the offer, accepted, then the HR person requested 3 references from me.  I provided her with them and their contact information : A is the building manager of my building, B is a former college professor, and C is a former boss (and former teacher) who works in physician billing at one of my city's hospital systems.  The HR rep emailed me back saying that none of these were professional references and she needed more.  What was double odd was that C called me and said she got a call from the HR woman who was apparently not very nice to her and she gave me a glowing review.  I said if that what she (C) said I believe her.  So I sent an email to the HR woman with 3 more names / numbers for references, and I was quick to point out that C was a professional reference as she was/is a former boss at a previous job.  

Should I be concerned about this?  If she comes back and says that she wanted other professional references other than this, I have none to give her.  All other professional references and I have long since lost contact and we've moved on from one another.  

Also there is my license problem.  I took the test for the teacher's license yesterday, got my receipt back and ... I didn't pass.  This was the 2nd time I have taken this.  I happened to go to my shrink that same day and she said you have to keep taking it until you pass.  There was one guy who took an exam 13 times before he passed it.  I guess I have to be one of them as well.  SHould I contact HR about this as well?  I have a non-tax license which licenses me to teach in non-public schools but not the public school one.  Often times charters don't care if you have the right license or not as long as you have some kind of license.  

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You would have to let them know that you aren't licensed or don't have a valid license if it's a requirement for the position. 

Regarding the references, you've already sent the other three. I don't think the references will matter if you don't have a license and it's a requirement to have one. How soon can you retake the exams?

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You might want to ensure that you have the correct license before applying for a job that requires a license.

Most likely, they are looking for references from former employers, work associates, etc., but it doesn't hurt to clarify.

I wouldn't consider "A" a professional reference (this would be more of a character reference).

"B" is an academic reference.

What is the reason for not considering the previous work reference ("C") a professional reference? Is the reference recent? Is there another reference where the work reference still works at the same company where you both worked?

Edited by Alpacalia
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24 minutes ago, Alpacalia said:

You might want to ensure that you have the correct license before applying for a job that requires a license.

Most likely, they are looking for references from former employers, work associates, etc., but it doesn't hurt to clarify.

I wouldn't consider "A" a professional reference (this would be more of a character reference).

"B" is an academic reference.

What is the reason for not considering the previous work reference ("C") a professional reference? Is the reference recent? Is there another reference where the work reference still works at the same company where you both worked?

I have another which is more recent but he hasn't returned any of my emails in the last year or so.  I was employed with that school from fall 2018 - spring 2019.  Other than that, all the others from the past have all vanished.  I gave her a phone number where she could contact him but I have no idea if and when he would get the phone call if he would return it even.  

I have no idea why it was that she didn't consider C to be a professional reference - she was a former teacher herself and was a former boss 20 years ago.  The company we worked for no longer exists. 

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4 minutes ago, mortensorchid said:

I have another which is more recent but he hasn't returned any of my emails in the last year or so.  I was employed with that school from fall 2018 - spring 2019.  Other than that, all the others from the past have all vanished.  I gave her a phone number where she could contact him but I have no idea if and when he would get the phone call if he would return it even.  

I have no idea why it was that she didn't consider C to be a professional reference - she was a former teacher herself and was a former boss 20 years ago.  The company we worked for no longer exists. 

Can you call him?

In the case of your most recent reference that has not been responding to your emails, it's always best to speak with them first so you can get their permission to use them as a reference and tell them about the person that will be contacting them and the job that you are applying for. I would try to contact him on the phone if you think he would be a good professional reference.

Is there a reason why you were only employed there for a short period of time?

Because "C" is from twenty years ago, and the company is no longer in business, I think it is unlikely to be regarded as a valid professional reference. 

The license? Get that settled. If this prospective employer requires a specific license and you do not have it you're going to have to share with them that you don't have the license and that you're in the process of obtaining the specific license that they require. Even if it costs you the job.


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Do you have any professional references from the past 5 years? 

As an employer it wouldn't be a good look that you have only provided 1 professional reference from 20 years ago. 

Have you worked in the last 5 years? If you have, how do you not have any contact for a professional reference? 

This could look a red flag for an employer - if you don't have references from past 5 years and you've been employed, it could look like you can't provide a reference because none of your previous employers would recommend you.

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11 hours ago, mortensorchid said:

. I provided her with them and their contact information : A is the building manager of my building, 

Make sure you have a good profile on LinkedIn. Upload your contact lists and see who is on there. Connect to former co-workers and alumi.

List your education, experience and jobs. You can also link to your resume, which you need to keep updated.

Join some professional organizations. 

You need to broaden your professional horizons. A building super isn't really an appropriate job reference. 

Also research test preparation courses for the licensing exam you need to take.

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I supplied her with 3 more references that are/were more recent (one from a former employer who I worked for 4 years ago, another from a coworker who I worked at a special needs summer camp with, and the chairman of a community organization I was on a committee with).  I was wondering how/why it was that they required more, and was more worried that they would say they were not acceptable either.  But, looks like I have nothing to worry about because they wrote me an email today saying that they were no longer going to offer me the job because the board chose not to go forward with it.  Liar.  SHe probably offered it to her niece or nephew instead.  And the ad is still up.  

Whatever the case may be, it wasn't meant to be so just be okay with that.  Life goes on. 

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Because your initial references were most likely deemed insufficient, they required others.

Go with the second set of references in the future. 

I always include a couple additional references when it comes time in the hiring process, even if they only ask for 2-3, and include both personal and professional references.

Sorry it didn't work out.

Edited by Alpacalia
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