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How to stop bully from manager

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This Friday morning I received my manager email regarding a mistake I made during my work. She copied one of my co-worker on the email who is not related to the issue( she also do this kinds of thing to her to make her feel humiliated)

During the team meeting she restate her email again in front of each team member. One of co-work says she also make a mistake, she will correct it later after the meeting.

I am on my way to earn a certification which was encouraged by my manager. However, she made it as a thing that I try to compete with our senior level staff. So someday she ask me to take over her job and if I did not do the nasty thing she began to give me hard time.

Because of the certification, they have work experience requirements. She does not provide me the experience but give the related work to other staff and create conflicts. 

i did not spoke up because I wish I can get the work experience and find another job. However I feel things are getting worse and worse… I feel I am a punch bag for her. She always give me hard time in front of other people to let others getting scared of her and use this work experience thing as her bargain chips to let her do whatever she want…

After the meeting, she also give me a call with another supervisor saying I need to finish a work within one hour and give her result. The supervisor says there is no need to do so. That’s too stressful. I have good performance on my job which earns respect from my co-workers. However the way she treated me like I have issues with my work.

she twisted fact and make me look bad in front of others. I earned an award in my company. She gave hard time to the manager who states my good performance with ceo and senior leadership. After that all the job related to outside department have been taken away. She made my work only report to herself. I feel I have put in a cage and she can do anything to do.

HR has notified us it is harassment if you make fun of young people. It is for her because she keep saying our VP is too young in the position and i am the youngest people in the team. She seems like she does not like people who is younger than her.

what should I do to stop her bully or harassment. I feel if I go to HR they will not fix anything but I have to change a job.. I guess I should change a job. She cannot stand me in her group. However how should I stop her harassment or bully? I do not want to be a punch bag. 



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