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You caught your loved one cheating. What did you do?

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It seems people's reactions to being cheated on vary so much. When I caught a former boyfriend cheating, I walked into the nightclub where he was pawing a drunk slut and I hit him as hard as I could. He was so shocked he fell sideways and looked clearly terrified at what I would do next. I'm a lot shorter than him and he had a big build, so king-hitting him successfully was a matter of sheer luck and guts brought on by blind fury. Not sure if I ever could pull that one off again. Then I regained my dignity and dumped him.

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Forever Searching

I never got to cach somone cheating but I probably would have done about the same thing. I would wake away from them and never look back!!

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Cornered them at the gas station gasing up the truck so they could head out of town together. When he left for his "meeting" I was suspect so I followed. He went right over and picked her up and headed to the gas station. I parked in front of the truck so he couldn't get out, got out, read him the riot act, read her the riot act. She got on her cell and called her "HUSBAND" because she was scared I was going to beat her. I left, he took her home and went to the meeting he had said he was going to in the first place. I went home, took his $2500. stash, packed a bag and left. He found the stash gone when he got home and spent the whole night calling me on the cell phone and driving around looking for me cause I had his money. He had to go to work at 6 am with no sleep and i had the day off so I rested.

His excuse, she was just riding to the meeting with him, nothing was going on.......ya whatever. How did I know something was up, he primped for an hour before he left, not like him at all, clothes perfect, HAIR PERFECT, cologne, etc. I just knew.

While I was living elsewhere, she came to the house to see him. Our son was home (he normally works nights) and she didn't know he was here. Son listened while she talked to him and they didn't know it. He told her to get the hell out of here, my wife is upset enough and if she would drive by and you were here it wouldn't be pretty for either one of us. She left and he called me and told me what happened right away. I made a point of asking her husband what business she had at my house the other night? He was pissed. She no longer has anything to do with our group and I haven't seen her face in months.

It is so interesting that they think we are stupid......

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very good point - do they think we are stupid? i planned to do it and was successful on the first try. i just didn't think it would be THAT easy. he actually said afterwards he was impressed with what i did - developed new respect for me. it was too late, of course. adios amigos.

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if i guy had smacked a girl for cheating, the guy would be arrested and the girl would be absolved of all her previous wrong-doing because she would be considered a victim.


i think there are better ways of dealing with cheating...like simply ending the relationship with as little drama as possible.

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if i guy had smacked a girl for cheating, the guy would be arrested and the girl would be absolved of all her previous wrong-doing because she would be considered a victim.


But I see nothing wrong with beating the bejeezus out of the guy who was sleeping with your woman. Somebodies got to get beat, so I feel better.

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An ex walked past me in a club, escorting his 'other lady' to the toilets. Had he answered the phone when I phoned him on my way there that night, he would have known I was there.. as luck happened he didn't.


I waited for them both to come back from the toilets and they walked straight past me - without noticing - and stopped to chat to each other and kiss. I walked right up, stuck my hand out and said to her 'Hi, I'm his girlfriend, he's ****ing me too. And you are....?'


Needless to say I didn't wait for the answer. I called him a c#nt and left! :laugh:

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But I see nothing wrong with beating the bejeezus out of the guy who was sleeping with your woman. Somebodies got to get beat, so I feel better.



I just have to agree with this one. If I was the one cheating I would deserve a good smack or two at the very least. And I would kind of expect it. And if I caught my husband cheating I would feel better if I gave him a little of the one two one two. It doesn't mean that it is the right or mature thing to do but if it makes you feel better why not? After all they are beating the crap out of your heart so they hit you first.

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I've never been in this situation. I'm not interested in fighting, either verbally or physically, over anyone who would wh@re around on me--it's not worth my time or getting arrested.


As long as they didn't know I was onto them, I'd just email them or call them up and tell them that I had met someone else a while back and that the sex with the new man was much better, so it's over between us.

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An ex walked past me in a club, escorting his 'other lady' to the toilets. Had he answered the phone when I phoned him on my way there that night, he would have known I was there.. as luck happened he didn't.


I waited for them both to come back from the toilets and they walked straight past me - without noticing - and stopped to chat to each other and kiss. I walked right up, stuck my hand out and said to her 'Hi, I'm his girlfriend, he's ****ing me too. And you are....?'


Needless to say I didn't wait for the answer. I called him a c#nt and left! :laugh:

littlekitty, you made me laugh out loud. i wish i had thought of that. you go girl!

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No one ever cheated on me, but if I cought my husband; ehh, let's see ... I'd scream, cry, freak out, maybe I'd throw a couple of random objects at him; if my head was still thinking clear enough I'd break his laptop (because that's what he loves the most), and then I'd take the dog and leave while crying hysterically.


Yeah. That's how I'd react.

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