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Is he serious about me?


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My guy friend has told me he is being a gentleman with me even though he is very tempted. Does that mean he sees me as something serious? Usually in the past he has rushed into relationships but got hurt because he didn't get to know them properly whereas with me we have a connection and are getting to know each other but there is no rush.

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He sounds interested but I wouldn’t read too much into it. It sounds like a very generic line being a gentleman and very tempted. It’s a nice way of saying you turn him on. It does not speak of anything that special to me. 

Since you’re both taking your time with each other, that’s a better sign that he’s interested in more to you than your looks or the physical aspect of a relationship. That’s also where you learn more about one another and see whether you’re compatible. 

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1 hour ago, Angel29 said:

My guy friend has told me he is being a gentleman with me even though he is very tempted.

Are you dating? That is the only way to assess if the friendship is going to turn into a relationship or get serious.

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That’s nice of him to say that there’s no rush. I have always liked hanging out as friends first and letting things develop naturally. If there’s a certain amount of basic attraction, it will build and lead to more, while you’re getting to know him better - slowly and steadily. I think that’s a good start. It’s also exciting.

Edited by BrinnM
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Some guy friend said that to me I would feel he is indicating to me that he would like to jump my bones, but is restraining himself from doing so. My take on it is that he wants to have sex with you. 

Edited by smackie9
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Rider on the Storm
16 minutes ago, smackie9 said:

Some guy friend said that to me I would feel he is indicating to me that he would like to jump my bones, but is restraining himself from doing so. My take on it is that he wants to have sex with you. 

These were my thoughts as well.

OP - if he's telling you that he's "tempted", that would imply sexual attraction. It's not to say that he couldn't be interested in more, but that's not what he said.


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I like @BrinnM's take.

A female friend was best friends with a man for several years. Both dated others while he had a secret thing for her, but they never dated each other and kept their relationship strictly platonic. When our friends learned about it, they asked her if she’d be interested in dating him at that point, but she wasn’t. 

Since they first got married 10 years ago to each other, they have had two children together, and it has been a long and happy ten years.

Back to you.

He seems to feel a sexual attraction towards you. Beyond that, I am not so sure.

Edited by Alpacalia
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11 minutes ago, Alpacalia said:

I like @BrinnM's take.

Thanks. That’s how i see it when I read OP’s story and when I look at other friends & couples (or what you just described above, same thing). [When I’m personally involved though, I’m more skeptical, like: well, he’s just saying that because he’s NOT (sexually) attracted to me. His “I am tempted but …..” is just an excuse because he’s appalled by the thought of having sex with me. 😂😂😂 does that make any sense?]

Edited by BrinnM
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Mine too. You try not to mess with friends in that way.

But sometimes to on another angle , l'd even felt back in the day l should say something so as not to hurt her feelings too sometimes, bc they'd usually be wondering why ya didn't. But truth was l didn't bc really, l just wasn't into her like that, that's why we were just friends.

Edited by chillii
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