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I have been dating this guy for a 1 year and a month to get exact and he has not said that he loved me yet. I wrote him an e-mail about my feelings and he we have not talked about it. Should I get worried. Help!

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Yes you definately should!

No one could be with someon for that long without falling in love. Ifhe had no feelings for you, you wouldnt still be together. I suggest maybe asking him if he read the email, and then asking what he thinks about it.

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There's your answer.


If you've ever been on the losing end of an unrequited love, then you'll know that opening up with such a powerful statement as "I love you," in person, puts a person in an extremely vulnerable position.


So tell him, in person, first. Unless I miss my guess, he'll respond in kind.:love:


Good luck!

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