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Ex possibly drugged me & emotionally abused me


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Will be providing the most important parts in bullet points for you guys to better assess the situation. 

- Knew this girl for 5 years before dating, she knows everything about me, including having high function ASD

-  First date she was showering me with gifts such as crystals,crackers,candy,blankets  ( was done in a HERE it's for YOU take it, kind of way)

-   Talked to me everyday, tons of emojis, kept referring to us as "us" talked about going on trips with me

- Told me on the first date all her ex's are bad and evil

- After a few weeks told me I am the most amazing guy ever and the greatest guy in the world

- At some point later on in the month tells me all of her Boyfriends HAVE to have a therapist, if the person she is seeing does not get one then the relationship will only be short term. Says I need paper proof ( So basically an ultimatum)

- Tells me at some point I need to show her proof of a STD test if we are going to be intimate. ( somewhat understandable) Says I need paper proof

- I go over her house and we are eating weed brownies and I feel all relaxed, I am a lightweight in general with weed but the effect I get is usually melting relaxed feeling. So we go to her backyard and I smoke her joint and all of a sudden I can taste this blueberry taste mixed with fiber glass industrial chemical smell. In 5 seconds I felt like I just drank 50 redbulls and I could do anything, after about a 50 seconds I blacked out. When I was on the couch and woke up she was using this opportunity to give me a speech about empowerment and how she tech could bring her to my room but shes going to flex her power on me and smirked. ( mind u I just wanted to stay in the living room) then I almost blacked out again and told her I can't feel my body, instead of calling 911 she decides to go outside and smoke some more, then after about a hour went into the kitchen while humming and packed my bag with goodies such as cupcakes and starburst fruit chews. I kept saying I couldn't move and she said lets go come on with a smile. She drove me home. When I got home I fell on the floor and had to call 911.

- During a planning session to hang out a few days later, I gave her about 12 different scenarios on what to do and what we are doing that week, when she got angry from me asking too many questions she basically said I have to be accommodating to her needs or this relationship is not going to work ( giving me another ultimatum ) I called her bluff and she rapid fire called my phone 20 times, after the 20th time I finally clicked green and accepted the call, told her she was abusive and I didn't like how she was treating me. She then screamed and rage quitted.


Notes about her to better help u understand how she is :

- She said her brain is like a library and different parts of brain are put back in and out.
- Had bad stuff happen to her
- Mostly all of her ex's were bad and crazy
- Works for tons of foundations and causes, mostly her whole identity is working for any kind of cause
- Was kicked out of her house by her parents for a month and disowned for unknown reasons.

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40 minutes ago, UPN said:

When I got home I fell on the floor and had to call 911.

Sorry this happened. What was the result of the ER workup? They must have done a toxicology screen if you two were doing drugs. 

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6 minutes ago, UPN said:

True, do u think I was drugged btw based on what happened ?

From what you wrote, you willingly ate brownies with weed in them.  Are you saying you didn't know they were weed brownies?

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52 minutes ago, UPN said:

So we go to her backyard and I smoke her joint and all of a sudden I can taste this blueberry taste mixed with fiber glass industrial chemical smell. In 5 seconds I felt like I just drank 50 redbulls and I could do anything, after about a 50 seconds I blacked out. 

If this is true, then it appears she tried to kill you. Thank goodness you're still alive to share the story. 

52 minutes ago, UPN said:

When I got home I fell on the floor and had to call 911.


15 minutes ago, UPN said:

do u think I was drugged btw based on what happened ?

Not sure why you're asking us, we weren't there, we didn't evaluate you. 

Surely, since you called 911, the paramedics and/or ER doctors would have evaluated you, took tests and determined if you were drugged or not. 

If you were drugged, then she would have been arrested and charged with a serious crime. 

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16 minutes ago, Wiseman2 said:

Sorry this happened. What was the result of the ER workup? They must have done a toxicology screen if you two were doing drugs. 

I refused to even get tested for anything when I was in the Hospital, I kept covering for her ass, but did get the bloodpressure work done  ( it was high)

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16 minutes ago, introverted1 said:

From what you wrote, you willingly ate brownies with weed in them.  Are you saying you didn't know they were weed brownies?

The brownies are not what did anything,  the Joint if u read my post made me pass out and tasted like fiber glass ( industrial chemical smell)


I have had brownies before and they have done nothing bad, same with smoking weed, it just so happens this joint I  smoked caused this whole ordeal.

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5 minutes ago, poppyfields said:

If this is true, then it appears she tried to kill you. Thank goodness you're still alive to share the story. 


Not sure why you're asking us, we weren't there, we didn't evaluate you. 

Surely, since you called 911, the paramedics and/or ER doctors would have evaluated you, took tests and provided you this information?

If you were drugged, then she would have been arrested and charged with a serious crime. 

other than bloodpressure etc I refused to get work done due to covering her ass. You can't force a patient to do something.

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5 minutes ago, poppyfields said:

If this is true, then it appears she tried to kill you. Thank goodness you're still alive to share the story. 


Not sure why you're asking us, we weren't there, we didn't evaluate you. 

Surely, since you called 911, the paramedics and/or ER doctors would have evaluated you, took tests and provided you this information?

If you were drugged, then she would have been arrested and charged with a serious crime. 

I hope not

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1 minute ago, UPN said:

I refused to even get tested for anything when I was in the Hospital

Then you'll never know if anything other than what you voluntarily smoked/ingested was mixed into everything or if you were so stoned you don't remember what else you guys were doing. Olfactory and other hallucinations and paranoid delusions are not unusual when doing all these drugs, edibles and smoking.. Was any of this legal at the time you did this and refused bloodwork? 

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4 minutes ago, Wiseman2 said:

Then you'll never know if anything other than what you voluntarily smoked/ingested was mixed into everything or if you were so stoned you don't remember what else you guys were doing. Olfactory and other hallucinations and paranoid delusions are not unusual when doing all these drugs, edibles and smoking.. Was any of this legal at the time you did this and refused bloodwork? 

Unfort thats the thing I won't know, I do know she has needle marks on her arms and stuff and has been to rehabs a ton.  Thats pretty much the only thing I can really add to it lol

Weed is legal where I am yeah, the joint itself ( the cause of this) felt like a huge amount of redbulls being consumed, almost speed ball ish.

( not that I know what a speed ball feels like)

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6 minutes ago, UPN said:

The brownies are not what did anything,  the Joint if u read my post made me pass out and tasted like fiber glass ( industrial chemical smell)

So you were the only one who smoked the joint?

Why did you smoke it if it tasted like fiberglass?

6 minutes ago, UPN said:

other than bloodpressure etc I refused to get work done due to covering her ass. You can't force a patient to do something.

So you want to know if you were drugged but you didn't let the people who could answer this question perform the testing that would actually give an answer? 

Different strains of weed can have different effects.  There is no way to know at this point if you were "drugged" beyond the drugs you willingly ingested.

Rather than focus on her and her actions, think about what you can do differently next time.  What have you learned from the experience with this woman?

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10 minutes ago, UPN said:

the joint itself ( the cause of this) felt like a huge amount of redbulls being consumed, almost speed ball ish.

Weed is well known for causing tachycardia:

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5542986/#:~:text=One of the most consistent,tachycardia (15%2C16).

Here's what I would do after this unpleasant experience like this: Stop using all recreational drugs or excess drinking.

Engage in clean living, good diet, exercise, fitness, etc. Don't hang around shady people with "needle marks".

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5 minutes ago, introverted1 said:

So you were the only one who smoked the joint?

Why did you smoke it if it tasted like fiberglass?

So you want to know if you were drugged but you didn't let the people who could answer this question perform the testing that would actually give an answer? 

Different strains of weed can have different effects.  There is no way to know at this point if you were "drugged" beyond the drugs you willingly ingested.

Rather than focus on her and her actions, think about what you can do differently next time.  What have you learned from the experience with this woman?

We both smoked it, and yes she did looked f***ed up like I did in the mirror after she smoked it but not everyones body reacts the same way to things.

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6 minutes ago, introverted1 said:

So you were the only one who smoked the joint?

Why did you smoke it if it tasted like fiberglass?

So you want to know if you were drugged but you didn't let the people who could answer this question perform the testing that would actually give an answer? 

Different strains of weed can have different effects.  There is no way to know at this point if you were "drugged" beyond the drugs you willingly ingested.

Rather than focus on her and her actions, think about what you can do differently next time.  What have you learned from the experience with this woman?

Yeah thats the thing, there is no way I can know because I refused to get work done.


As for that situation, be more mindful and stop getting with crazy lunatic people

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55 minutes ago, UPN said:

Unfort thats the thing I won't know, I do know she has needle marks on her arms and stuff and has been to rehabs a ton.  Thats pretty much the only thing I can really add to it lol

Weed is legal where I am yeah, the joint itself ( the cause of this) felt like a huge amount of redbulls being consumed, almost speed ball ish.

( not that I know what a speed ball feels like)

Just want to say that people have died from drinking too many redbulls and other highly caffeinated energy drinks; there have been studies done on the effect this has on some people. 

People have died and lawsuits brought against the manufacturers of such products. 

So that said, whatever you ingested that tasted or smelled like industrial strength "whatever" and caused you to black out within 50 seconds was highly toxic and could have killed you.

Why you would choose to cover her arse versus allowing testing and treatment to possibly save your life is something you may want to explore within yourself.

She is not even your girlfriend, she is an EX.  Not that it matters, needle marks, in and out of rehab, I would suggest you stay away from her, she sounds extremely unstable and frankly dangerous imo.. 




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1 hour ago, UPN said:

True, do u think I was drugged btw based on what happened ?

It’s not up to us to give medical diagnoses.

But when you smoke something and it has a strong synthetic taste and smell, I figure it’s not MJ. Also the numbness and blackouts seem to exceed what people commonly experience after smoking MJ.

You did consent to the weed cookies. But I believe the joint may have been another narcotic. In that sense it is very well possible that she drugged you.


There are more red flags  though, so the drugs speculation isn’t even that relevant.

If “all her exes are evil and crazy”, then of course she may be the problem. The lack of introspection on that is a red flag for lack of empathy. Either unable (various disorders impair empathy), or unwilling (looking more at narcissistic and sociopathic traits).

And the lovebombing, calling you 20 times, getting into a rage when you don’t answer the phone, that’s abusive behaviour. She sounds like she might be familiar with the rage/guilt cycle.

Go no contact and atay no contact.

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46 minutes ago, UPN said:

stop getting with crazy lunatic people

This.  A thousand times this.  Your life will be so much better with this.

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14 minutes ago, Will am I said:

It’s not up to us to give medical diagnoses.

But when you smoke something and it has a strong synthetic taste and smell, I figure it’s not MJ. Also the numbness and blackouts seem to exceed what people commonly experience after smoking MJ.

You did consent to the weed cookies. But I believe the joint may have been another narcotic. In that sense it is very well possible that she drugged you.


There are more red flags  though, so the drugs speculation isn’t even that relevant.

If “all her exes are evil and crazy”, then of course she may be the problem. The lack of introspection on that is a red flag for lack of empathy. Either unable (various disorders impair empathy), or unwilling (looking more at narcissistic and sociopathic traits).

And the lovebombing, calling you 20 times, getting into a rage when you don’t answer the phone, that’s abusive behaviour. She sounds like she might be familiar with the rage/guilt cycle.

Go no contact and atay no contact.

Thanks yeah, that could very well be true, I don't smoke weed that much at all but the thousands of times I have in my life time I have never had something make me blackout or taste like it came from an industrial plant. 

But back to the other stuff you mentioned, yeah thats true, she refused to stop calling me after I broke up with her, she would not stop unless I picked up.  She will remain blocked.

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18 minutes ago, UPN said:

 I forgot to add so you know, she drove me home f***ed up like that, and drives in general high AF. Looking back now I know to look @ redflags better.

How long ago did all this happen? How long were you dating and how long ago did you break up? Did you delete and block her and all her people from all your messaging aps, and social media? Why are you thinking about all this now? 

How old are you? Perhaps if you are worried, see a physician for a complete evaluation of your physical and mental health. You were probably advised to follow up with your physician on the discharge instructions from the ER. Get some tests done, including appropriate blood tests, although whatever drugs you two were using may not show up, but discuss the passing out episode.

Ask for a referral to a qualified therapist for ongoing support. Who helps you with your ASD? Do you have regular doctors, therapists or social workers you see?

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I'm not sure what your question even is here.  This girl is a mentally unstable crazy person.  If you didn't have the judgment to cut her out of your life earlier, then you should not be dating at all and need to get yourself into therapy.

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