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some thing so horrible

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i have no idea what to do, ive been dateing this guy for 2 years. hes the best. i dont know how to really say this but i have a problem with making friends. i just get easly borde with them so i like meeting new people well anyways i met some guy on line went to the mall and the movies with him and some friends just to hang out.. one night he called me up and asked to drink with him i was all like ok why not his dad and brother are going to be there so everything would be fine.. i ended up drinking a 5th of black berry brandy to myself and went along with his flirting one thing lead to another and we ended up having horrible drunk sex.. i hardly even knew him.. i told my bf that i had stayed over there that night and drank over the phone. (hes been away for school for a year).. he knew something was up and asked me about it.. i was ashamed of my self and scared id lose my wonderful bf thats never done any but be faithful to me kind and loving.. so i lied to him.. i told him i loved him way to much to do something like that.. and i do i love him so much id give my life for him this very second.. a year roles by and he was cheaking some of my old emails.. its was from the guy i drank with. it pretty much said that he wanted to have sex with me and for me to come over.. i ended up telling him about it all that night it was than 2 am he ended up leaving i was half way asleep and decited to get my keys and surch for him.. about an hour later i found him at his moms house we talked some more than came to my house and left me again.. so i went to sleep.. about 5 am he came through my back door and went to sleep with me. he was acting like he was going to give me another chance. we were both happy. well i thought.. he left back to school the 2 days after that talk.. and called me up and told me that he couldent deal with him cheating and lieing to him.. ive told him that im sorry and id do anything to gain his trust back.. he told me he wasent going to be able to come home for the following 2 weekends.. he still needed to think.. so i called up his dorm and was talking to him about the whole mess somemore and asked about his weekend.. he told me that he met some girl stayed at her parents house and was going to bring her to meet his family this comming weekend. (i live like 4 houses away from his moms) i dont know what to do. i love him so much hes my everything, i know i made the wost mistakes ever and id do anything to take him back.. please someone help me hes my bestfriend. i just dont understand how he could just get up any get a new girlfriend in the matter of the first 2 weeks we took out break..everything was perfect..well except for what i had done. is there anyway i can get him back?

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Not much you can do. I would think that since it was a 1 night thing and you were drunk he might be able to get past it. He might end up having sex with a few girls just to prove something to himself, thats just how guys are, it doens't mean anything to us. I'm sure he still cares about you but thats a hard thing to get over. YOu lied and cheated, what would you do if the roles were reversed?

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i serirously dont know what id do.. i lied to try keeping things but it only made things worst.. it dosent seem like he wants me back.i cant stop thinking about him it brings me to pieces..i hate it so much

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people who are serious about a relationship don't go and meet strangers online and then get drunk and have sex with them.


i don't blame your boyfriend and i think it would be wise for him to stay away from you.

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i know what you mean.. i guess im just a selfish person. i dident mean for it to happen but it did and i should have handled it differently. i wish i could take it all back.

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I feel sorry for you. I am guessing that your boyfriend after 2 years could not believe you met a virtual stranger and had drunken sex with him. I am guessing that since both of you were drunk the chances were great that nobody used protection so your boyfriend had to worry that you put him at risk for STD's. Another problem was that you lied and did not confess immediately. I am sure he was probably thinking now only how could you do this but how were your able to lie to his face about it. I am sure your boyfriend has been thinking how he could ever trust you again. I am pretty sure his friends have been telling him once a cheater always a cheater.


It is really a sad mess for you since you sound like you really care for him. It is not surprising he found another girl so soon. For a man the thought that his girlfriend with have drunken sex with another virtual stranger made him think that you did not find him sexually attractive anymore. He is trying to prove to himself that his manhood is still in tact.


I think you learned a valuable lesson. You could not imagine your boyfriend doing what you did to him because he respected you too much. Unfortunately your actions indicated that you did not share that same respect for him. Next time when you have a new boyfriend hopefully you will have a learned a painful lesson which is that you should treat people the way you would them to treat you. I wish you luck.

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