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Here Today, Gone Tomorrow


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12 minutes ago, SoulOfOne said:

We haven't communicated since the last chat. It probably stung him more than he let on I'm guessing. 

I doubt it.  My guess is he feels relieved.  The pressure is off, he can relax.  Or begin to relax. 

I have lots of experience dealing with people with a fear of intimacy (as he admitted may be the issue) and fear of commitment.

Goes against common sense, but the more you love them and care, the more fearful they get. 

They'll push you out as a lover and girlfriend but then  attempt to pull you into the role of therapist, rescuer or savior.

Then resent you for it and may even lose respect. Such people have the ability to drive even the most secure, sane person to insanity with their conflicting behavior.

You are doing the right thing by walking away, and if/when he tries to pull you back once the pressure is off and there's no more anxiety, do NOT go back. 

Make a promise to yourself that this is over and done for good and move on.

He's a grown man, he can work out his own issues. 



Edited by poppyfields
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