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do I deserve it?

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I overheard my bf last Saturday that he was talking on the phone with a sweet voice, telling the other person on the line that he like her  boobies and tities. I confronted him and he said he is not cheating because he has not slept with that person. I said the mere fact that that they are having like a phone sex/cyber sex is a betrayal and cheating. He said I should be “grateful” that he did not “DO” the act. I felt so disrespected as a woman and in a relationship with him. I guess this is the final straw of these troubled relationship. I sent him this message: “I have to put up so much - being choked in the floor because I deserve it?? trauma from a broken finger because I deserve it? being manhandled because I deserve it?? being criticized for the way I dress and look,  being put down every day for my shortcomings and now  being cheated. What’s next?   A fall cause by a push because i deserve it? how many physical and emotional injuries do i have to suffer in this relationship. Do i deserve all of these???” 
I should thank my lucky stars that I am not married nor have any children with him. I am 46 years old who on the outset looks ok because I have learned to segregate my personal and professional life but right now, am on a breaking point! 

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22 minutes ago, Shg said:

I overheard my bf last Saturday that he was talking on the phone with a sweet voice, telling the other person on the line that he like her  boobies and tities. I confronted him and he said he is not cheating because he has not slept with that person. I said the mere fact that that they are having like a phone sex/cyber sex is a betrayal and cheating. He said I should be “grateful” that he did not “DO” the act. I felt so disrespected as a woman and in a relationship with him. I guess this is the final straw of these troubled relationship. I sent him this message: “I have to put up so much - being choked in the floor because I deserve it?? trauma from a broken finger because I deserve it? being manhandled because I deserve it?? being criticized for the way I dress and look,  being put down every day for my shortcomings and now  being cheated. What’s next?   A fall cause by a push because i deserve it? how many physical and emotional injuries do i have to suffer in this relationship. Do i deserve all of these???” 
I should thank my lucky stars that I am not married nor have any children with him. I am 46 years old who on the outset looks ok because I have learned to segregate my personal and professional life but right now, am on a breaking point! 

He’s not going to change and rationalizing with an abuser never works. 

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1 hour ago, Shg said:

I sent him this message: “I have to put up so much - being choked in the floor because I deserve it?? trauma from a broken finger because I deserve it? being manhandled because I deserve it?? 

You are in an abusive relationship. Get out, delete and block him and get a restraining order. Assault is a crime, not a 'flirting' issue.

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On 9/27/2022 at 6:58 AM, Shg said:

“I have to put up so much - being choked in the floor because I deserve it?? trauma from a broken finger because I deserve it? being manhandled because I deserve it?? being criticized for the way I dress and look,  being put down every day for my shortcomings and now  being cheated. What’s next?   A fall cause by a push because i deserve it? how many physical and emotional injuries do i have to suffer in this relationship. Do i deserve all of these???” 

Of course you don't deserve any abuse. Nobody does. Wonder why you didn't march to the police station to file any charges against him when he choked you or when he broke your finger? Him cheating on you is very mild compared to everything else that he has done to you.

 In any case, GET OUT. Block him, change your locks, file a restraining order, do whatever is necessary to get him out of your life.

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On 9/27/2022 at 5:58 AM, Shg said:

I am 46 years old

I'm curious to know what keeps you there, in this abusive toxic mess of a relationship?  

Not judging, I just don't understand.


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