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a good site if you're having "one of those days"

Miss Mojo

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if anyone finds themselves having one of those days where they feel fired up, i have found a good site that you might want to have a look at:




we've all had "one of those days", but we don't want to let it consume us....i've bookmarked this for when my sister gets under my skin (and boy, do i let her do a good job of that sometimes)!!!


p.s. loveshack host, if you don't want to keep this post here, that's cool :)

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Miss Mojo,


Thanks so much for sharing! You don't understand how much that helped me out just now.


My boyfriend and I just got into a huge argument and are on the verge of breaking up. I was feeling so angry a little while ago that I couldn't concentrate on anything else, or goto sleep. Well I came to this board to distract me, and lo and behold, I see your link!


Well I just read it and it helped me out. Especially the part titled "Using Humor" where it says:


'When you get angry and call someone a name or refer to them in some imaginative phrase, stop and picture what that word would literally look like. If you're at work and you think of a coworker as a "dirtbag" or a "single-cell life form," for example, picture a large bag full of dirt (or an amoeba) sitting at your colleague's desk...'


LOL, I thought of my boyfriend as an "a**h***" and then pictured him as one...a large a**h*** talking into the phone...LOL...it was not a pretty sight. I actually started laughing out loud.


Anyway, it helped out a lot. Thanks again.

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hi sparkle,


hehe.....the reference to humour is a cack. there are some weird and wonderful names to picture people as. as a matter of fact, i was just thinking of some then when the phone rang and i certainly answered the phone with a smile in my voice....good customer service borne out of anger!!!! when my sister fires me up and i think of her as "a bitch", i can't decide what kind of dog i want to picture looking at me!! d***head is another funny one, and your a***hole one is hilarious!!!!


i was really stressing out at work earlier on with a task i've been told to do, and i thought, "what do you think i am? wonder woman???"....an image that is rather entertaining for a corporate finance company...sure to impress the clients!


i hope everything works out for you and your boyfriend :) i know that whenever i've had a fight with a boyfriend, i feel so much better in myself if i can laugh about it, even if we haven't solved the problem yet.


good luck, sparkle!! :)

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