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Romantic presents

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I am a gifter.   I took one of those online quizzes and I tested as one (some others might test as physical touch, for example).  One of the traits of one is that I like to show my love / affection for others by buying gifts or tokens for them.  You can tell by the type of gift that others buy for you tells you how they really feel about you, which I am sure everyone knows.

I was googling what unique yet romantic gifts are to give to others (in general) and came across one that I had never heard of before - stars.  You can purchase and name a star for your SO.  Or, you can give them a "screenshot" of the constellations as they were on a certain date.  

How would any of you feel about receiving such a gift?  It shows that you are being sentimental to be sure.  But wouldn't someone rather get flowers or candy or even jewelry?

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Each person's approach to giving and receiving will be different, mortensorchid.

It could be an item that is cherished by someone, whether it be a tiny trinket from a vintage shop, a sailboat that sails around the globe or a star that shines brightly in the name of a particular individual. Each convey the same message: I couldn't help thinking about you when I saw this. My thoughts are always with you.

It's sentiment and unique to the recipient.

The man you're dating might prefer tickets to that sold out football game or something that he can actually use or that helps make his life a little easier. Or just cooking him a nice home cooked meal from time to time. In which case, you could go for sentiment and practicality. Or pick him up a funny greeting card.

Reasonable in its scope. A gold watch wouldn't make sense for someone you've been dating for two weeks. Such things, you know.

Edited by Alpacalia
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I think the name of a star would be perfect for someone who was into astronomy.   Who perhaps has an app on their phone to tell them which star they are looking at or a telescope.  Or perhaps someone who makes time to watch the stars when they are away from the city lights.

But how would I feel about it?  It would likely miss the mark.  I'd prefer something tangible. 

That said, I disagree that we can tell by the type of gift they buy how they feel about us.  Thing is, if someone's love language isn't gifts they might be hopeless at buying them - but they could show their love in their own love language.

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I think the most romantic thing you can do is to try and pick up on the things he enjoys (based on your conversations with him), and tailor your gift to him. It doesn't matter whether we would like your gift, because we're not him.

(That being said, I would personally love both of the things you mentioned. :) )

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Hello @mortensorchid, is it safe to assume you are referring to “love languages” and that your main love language is "gifts”?

I base this on your comment that another one is “physical touch,” which is in fact another love language.

If not, then feel free to disregard what's below, it's based on what I have learned about love languages.

Anyway, what I have learned about love languages and what often comes into play is that people tend to attach their own love language on to their partner.

Meaning since your love language is “gifts,” and you value receiving gifts, you assume that your partner also values receiving gifts.

That may not be true, HIS main love language may be something different – say “physical touch” for example.  Or “quality time” which is another.

He may not want, appreciate or value romantic gifts the same way you do.

Do you know if HIS love language is also “gifts”?  If so, then giving him gifts will be welcomed and a lovely gesture.

If you don’t know what his LL is, then maybe talk about it?  My husband and I actually did have this conversation and we did the test together (at my request).   He discovered my main love language is “acts of service,” which worked out well since he’s a “doer” and loves doing things for me.

His LL is “physical touch” which works out well since I am extremely affectionate and typically “all over him,” which he loves!

In any event, you can’t go wrong with making him a lovely dinner or buying tickets to his favorite sports team.

Good luck and I am happy to hear this relationship seems to be working out for you!  💛

Edited by poppyfields
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I didn't actually buy anything, I was thinking that Christmas is coming soon and of course the holiday shopping.  

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I’ve also started shopping early this year.

Adopting/naming a star has been around for awhile. There’s a universal and long lived element to gifting a star or naming a star in someone’s name.

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