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How do I make it right again?

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I have just come out of a serious relationship of two years, coz we, mainly me, drifted apart and fell out of love. I work with this awesome girl who is my junior and to who I have been attracted to for quite some time. I have never indicated this to her or anyone else. She also happens to be good friend and we hang out once in a while. Anyway cutting a long story short, couple of nights ago she stayed over at my place (one that I share with a couple of mates) and after a lot of drinks I opened my mouth and put both my feet into it. I told her how I felt and then some more. The reaction was as classic as you can get. She said that it would be weird if do go down that path coz I am her boss and the fact that we work together, something which I completely agree with. She said she thought about it as well, at some point, but then we agreed that it would be inappropriate. We hugged each other more than a couple of times and she kissed me on the cheek. I am trying not to read too much into those hugs, but they were long and we were holding hands for a long time, but then we were drunk. For the past couple of days there has been some sort of an awkwardness between us which is to be expected. Sometimes we awkwardly flirt and some times we just avoid each other. I want to go back to the way we were. I am really attracted to this girl and would love for us to be something more than friends. I do not want to lose her as a friend, which I fear, I might already have done. How do I undo what I have done?

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