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Here lately I have been working with the same girl a lot. And she's always lauging, we have a good time at work. I pickup on when she hits on me but never call her out on it. So, today I did something to try to get her attention so to speak. She and another coworker were going out. I tell the other coworker that she looks nice. The girl I'm interested in QUICKLY turns around and looks at me like..why didn't you tell me first? I'm not going to be up front about it..I want to drive her crazy.Get her to slip up somehow so she knows that I know what her intentions are I need to figure out a couple of way to do this. I work with her all day this Friday. I need some ideas gals/guys.

Thanks alot.

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Now I realize WHO plays the games - people who are only after sex. Don't tell me you think of this girl as relationship material and are interested in anything but to get in her pants!

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Oh, okay. :) Well I'd say don't play any games, just ask her out. If she refuses, continue to associate with her as before, as if nothing happened. Women have a lot of respect for men who have made advances and DID NOT lose their self-esteem after being rejected, but remained friendly.


You can't know for sure from her reactions how she feels about you. You may only piss her off and lose her. You're not the only guy in the world. If she is cute, she has many of them standing in the line.

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I'm not doing this to get into her pants. Like I said. I'm trying to see what her intentions are.


yeah right :rolleyes:


say you pique her enough that she jumps your bones, you gonna say no? get outta here :lmao: :lmao:

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