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Am I doing injustice to myself?

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I dont know how to start...Its quite strange.I have been going around with this guy for more then two years.He is cheating me from day one and I am quite aware of the same...but dis time he is been going around with my best fren...Both have cheated upon me in a way.But I still love him.He called me last night just to tell that he loves me more then anyone else.....He knows I know the facts about him.He wants me to stay with him and also wants to cheat upon me....What should I do?

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Well, it looks like you've not only condoned his cheating, you've actually encouraged it by not calling him on it.


You've made your bed. Now either lie in it or get rid of it.

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He believes that because you now "know everything" (I doubt you do) he's been given the silent OK by you to continue his affairs. Your choice to stay with hin depends on what you see as a relationship.


a) You can stay with him--as long as you accept that he will continue to have sex with other women whenever he desires it. He's not going to change. Marrying him or having a child by him will not get him to settle down either. There's also the possibility that he will become interested in more than sex with a particular woman, and then he will break up with you.


b) You don't want him having sex with other women. He won't change, so there's nothing else to do but break up with him.

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Do you like being cheated on?

Do you prefer being with unfaithful him to a fathful guy?

Do you think you deserve to be treated like that?

Do you realize that your relationship is not monogamous and you're just one girl in his harem?

Do you think you will never find anyone better and he is the best you can get? (I think unfaithful guy is the worst a woman can get)

Do you know how many diseases you can get from this dog? If he is cheating on you then he is perfectly able to lie about using protection or whatever.

Do you think he respects you and treats you like a lady?

And finally: do you really believe that he loves you?!?!?!

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All you get from this guy is sloppy seconds (and maybe diseases). Nobody deserves that. Being alone is better than being hooked on someone who treats you that badly. He may say he loves you a million times, but love is about actions not words. As for you, you're not in love. You're addicted to someone who's bad for you. So, yes, you are doing yourself a grave injustice.

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I actually know everything about him.And I have picked up a fight several times but still he doesn't change.If I break up with him he threats me to kill himself.How to handle such a aggressive pig.

He believes that because you now "know everything" (I doubt you do) he's been given the silent OK by you to continue his affairs. Your choice to stay with hin depends on what you see as a relationship.


a) You can stay with him--as long as you accept that he will continue to have sex with other women whenever he desires it. He's not going to change. Marrying him or having a child by him will not get him to settle down either. There's also the possibility that he will become interested in more than sex with a particular woman, and then he will break up with you.


b) You don't want him having sex with other women. He won't change, so there's nothing else to do but break up with him.

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I myself wanna get out of it,but when I try to do so he calls me up and threats me of commiting suicide if I leave him. He has taken financial help from me,moreover its me whose earning and supporting his needs.What is the best way to get rid of him?

Do you like being cheated on?

Do you prefer being with unfaithful him to a fathful guy?

Do you think you deserve to be treated like that?

Do you realize that your relationship is not monogamous and you're just one girl in his harem?

Do you think you will never find anyone better and he is the best you can get? (I think unfaithful guy is the worst a woman can get)

Do you know how many diseases you can get from this dog? If he is cheating on you then he is perfectly able to lie about using protection or whatever.

Do you think he respects you and treats you like a lady?

And finally: do you really believe that he loves you?!?!?!

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I think you're doing the right thing by ending it with him. He's not only manipulative, he could have potentially exposed you to a STD.


I'd suggest not breaking up with him in your home, but rather a public place--a park or a restaurant. Basically somewhere if he starts making a scene, you can just get up and leave.


If he has ever been violent in any way towards you, email him and break up. Pack up anything of his at your place and have a friend give it to him.. That way you don't have to see him at all.


You should ignore his threats and pleas. I'm not a mental health professional, but his threats of suicide seem like a ploy to get you to stay with him and stop arguing with him. Be careful of your own physical safety--don't see this guy at all after you break up with him.


Have no contact with him--don't call or talk to him in any way. Ignore any phone calls/email he sends you, and don't let him visit you in your home. Change you phone number/email if you have to. You will start to feel better as soon as you're not dealing with this guy on a regular basis.

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I myself wanna get out of it,but when I try to do so he calls me up and threats me of commiting suicide if I leave him. He has taken financial help from me,moreover its me whose earning and supporting his needs.What is the best way to get rid of him?

Just leave him and let him commit a suicide! :D

Don't worry, he won't do it. He is just saying that because he needs your financial support. Gosh, you are so naive! I never knew that people like you existed. Tell me you really believe one word of what this scum-bag says. Just dump him and don't look back at the trash. :sick:

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