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my friends say shes bad for me

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I have been talking to this girl for weeks and I really like her but all my friends say she is a pick me girl and if I date her my reputation will tank, what do I do?

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Ok I had to use Urban Dictionary to find out what a "pick me" girl is 🤪   

This question is hard to answer.  On one hand, our friends and family can often see problems with a potential partner which we can't see and it's worth listening to them.  If you read the description of a 'pick me' girl, have they nailed it?   If so, you may want to steer clear.

That said, if you can't see what they are seeing...and she's fun and good and kind and you really like her, your reputation shouldn't come into the equation.

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4 hours ago, hopoff said:

I have been talking to this girl for weeks and I really like her but all my friends say she is a pick me girl and if I date her my reputation will tank, what do I do?

 How old is she? How do you know her? From school? If you like her, ask her out and make up your own mind about her. Don't believe every piece of gossip you hear.

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14 hours ago, hopoff said:

I have been talking to this girl for weeks and I really like her but all my friends say she is a pick me girl and if I date her my reputation will tank, what do I do?

You do whatever you want. Dating and meeting good people is a crap shoot. You won't really know about anyone until you meet and date. If it doesn't work out, that's ok because learning from experiences if important. It prepares you to know how to make better choice in the future. That's how life works. You learn, grow, and move forward.

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You might want to figure out what your friends are noticing that you aren't. That may be a chance to refine your social skill.

But you aren't asking this woman for marriage. You'd only be asking her out, right? No crime there. And it's kinda fun when young to ask out someone that other people don't get. That's OK. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi. How old are you? I ask because you sound young based on the language you’ve used.

Listen, take it with a grain of salt from an almost 40 year old guy, who’s loved more than once, got cheated on and divorced, single parenting and dating, when I tell you that NOTHING in life is guaranteed. Ab. So. Lutely. Nothing.

This girl COULD BE a disaster. she could also be the best thing ever. She could be just an okay time. Who knows!


I’ve dated multiple people after my divorce, and each was good and bad in their own way, FOR ME. MY taste isn’t the same as YOUR taste or your FRIEND’s tastes. 

I learned more about what I like and don’t like. I didn’t go into any relationship thinking, “I have to make THIS ONE work.” No. You know what mentality I had? “I hope I look cool in this shirt” and “wonder where we should go to eat next” and “ooooo I like that she plays video games too!”


you’re freaking dating and hoping to get some good intimacy in the process. If you two grow from it and become more serious, great! If not, then you went out and had fun at least! 

cuz I can promise you that you’ll regret not going for it just cuz someone ELSE told you it’s a bad idea based on heresay. 

good luck! I really hope you go on a date or two with this girl, and make your OWN DAMN DECISIONS on whether or not she’s worth “tanking” your “rep” lol

man, being older really makes you think “why did I care what my friends thought back then? I should’ve just done this or that like I had wanted before it’s too late!”

have fun!  

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