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Work Friend Situation

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I've a problem i really need to hear some input on, so hear goes:

I have known Amy from work for ages, we've always had a laugh or 2 and at work parties dirty danced together as friends and make lewd comments toward eachother.


Recently though we have started flirting a lot and i made a crack about her "Sampling my meat" (We work in the food industry) and she replied "Anytime you want" and gave me a wink and did that lil tongue over teeth thing.


From here, i realised she liked me, so decided since she was beautiful and a good friend i'd have a pop at her and see where it goes.


I got her number and we txted eachother a lot, pinched eachotehr bums etc and we went on a fun date a few days back, very casual.


We've been txting like mad, and she's admitted to liking me a lot and that she cant get me off her mind.


Then comes the problem, she has a boyfriend she's been seeing for 11 months.

I knew this already, i kinda know him and get on with him, but she has said to me how much they fight and get back together so i figured i would prove myself the better man.


Well we're still txting a lot and being naughty, but i have an inside source (One of her female friends, but is my spy cus she owes me a few favours) and she said that Amy had a bit of a breakdown and was very confused, but wanted to have another shot with her bf.


This was today, and the only txt ive received from her was one that basically means shes with her bf and cant talk, which is fine cus i dont want us to get in the **** (this dude is bigger than me).


My spy assures me that Amy REALLY likes me, but loves her bf, but says if i keep up the charm and just be myself she reckons she'll fall into my arms yadda yadda.


Now, im not one to throw myself at girls and then pine when they dont fall in love with me right away, but i do like this girl and think we would be good together, im just thinking what you guys all think?


Myself; im cautiously optimistic, i'll keep up the flirting but wont get too attached.


Thanks for your opinions in advance :)

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Then comes the problem, she has a boyfriend she's been seeing for 11 months.

I knew this already, i kinda know him and get on with him, but she has said to me how much they fight and get back together so i figured i would prove myself the better man.


What do you want out of this, sex or a relationship? To be honest, you're already having an emotional affair with this girl. If you don't care that she may stay with her bf and still flirt and potentially have sex with you, keep seeing her.


I'd be extremely leery of not only dating a co-worker, but someone who has an on/off relationship with somebody else. How are you going to deal with her on a daily basis if you two have an argument and suddenly loathe eachother?


If you want to be in a relationship with her, you need to tell her you want to date her--just as soon as she ends things with her current boyfriend. Until that happens, stop flirting with her.

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Well, i got a bad enough reputation as it is but i really do like her so im thinking maybe relationship.


if i stop flirtin wont she just lose interest?

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