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To: Tony

Bobby Dygytul

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Bobby Dygytul

Wow it so amazing. A long time ago i use to be the kind of guy that pretty much kisses girls butts and plays the nice guy roll. After visiting this site often and reading your advise on being a challenge and not being too nice to ladies, and also reading posts of heartbroken guys, i have really learned A LOT!!


I started practicing that several several months ago with different ladies and EVERY TIME they pretty much fall in love with me. Usually i end up breaking their hearts. I think i have mastered this technique. I do things like not calling them back all the time and on time, acting like im busy alot, acting like i have no worryies at all, etc. Its amazing how well it works.


Did you learn this by your own experiences? I have even did this with the lady im with now and she is crazy about me. The thing is this lady is stealing my heart. No other lady has been able to steal me heart like she has. Im so in love with her, im not sure what to do now.


I haven't told her that im in love with her and i still act as a challenge, but what do i do now? Im so confused and in love with her. I just don't want to lose this one. There is no doubt in my mind that im in love with her. When should i start to really open up to her? Hmmmm....

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YOU ASK: "I haven't told her that im in love with her and i still act as a challenge, but what do i do now?"


Be nice to her, do kind things intermittenly, but don't kiss her butt and remain a challenge for some time. When you sense you have completely gotten her heart wrapped around every part of your being, then slip in some I love you's...but not for a while. Drive her crazy guessing how you feel about her.


2. "Im so confused and in love with her. I just don't want to lose this one. There is no doubt in my mind that im in love with her. When should i start to really open up to her?


Have patience. I'm telling you, once she knows exactly where she stands with you, once she knows she's got your butt, things can change. If you keep her guessing, keep her on her toes, but give her many good, positive reasons to stick around...one day she'll be yours forever. But you have to totally drive her nuts first.


I got my BA from the College of Coyness and my Masters from the University of Unavailability. But I also got crushed and pulverized to get those degrees. I have been there so many times. Kissing up to a female is deadly to a relationship. Women want a MAN. You have to be nice, but not too nice. You have to be there for them sometimes...and be away sometimes. You have to appear to really care sometimes and be aloof sometimes. If they start taking you for granted because of your predictability, that's the kiss of death. They will look elsewhere for the excitement they seek.


It's a matter of keeping them interested. As ladies get older, they don't need as much of this but most women absolutely gravitate to a guy who appears not to have such a sick, wimpish need for them. They tend to be repulsed by lovesick wimps.


You don't need to ask a whole lot of questions. Just work things by acting, seeing the reaction and fine tuning what you do. Love is an art of many dimensions. And there is no time you can let all this down. Married women don't like their husbands to be wimps and wussies either.

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