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Ex girlfriend won't leave him alone

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My boyfriends ex keeps e-mailing him begging to be his friend and this really upsets me. He has told her before that they couldn't be friends but she doesn't seem to get the clue. I wouldn't mind them being friends but she tells him things like " i love you" and "i want to marry you" knowing that he has been with me 4 years now. I don't understand why some people just don't let go. When he was in the relationship with her he told me she was rude, and never wanted to talk to him, but now that she see he is happy she won't stop harassing him. He told me he will tell her to stop, but he has before and she doesn't get the clue. I wanted to e-mail her myself, but I don't know if that would be right. He doesn't want to hurt her feelings since her parents are getting a divorce ( trust me and I feel bad), but I think he needs to be more clear. Anyways I'm just venting. Any advice would be great. Thanks guys.

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Yeah I told him needs to be assertive and he says he has. However, she keeps begging. I feel like e-mailing her and telling her "sorry he is with me, get over it and find someone else", but that would probably be rude. He told me he wants to ignore her e-mails and will continue to do so until she gets the clue. I hope she eventually does, but she seems kinda psycho and I hope she doesn't start stalking him or anything.

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Can't your boyfriend block her emails, or get a new email address altogether and not tell her what it is? He needs to do this himself, it's better for you to not intervene or attempt to communicate with her.


She's apparently been told "Not interested," a few times already. What she's doing is basic harassment, and there's really no other way to get her to stop other than to ignore her entirely.

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Yeah. He has changed his e-mail address, but looks at this one on occasion because he sent out this e-mail for his phd application. I won't get involved, but I hope she stops and gets the clue.

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I am in quite a similar situation, and I don't know what to do anymore...


My boyfriend and I met only 2 days after he and his ex broke up. We are now very much in love and have an altogether good...open and honest relationship. At first I was accepting of the two of them being friends, but then she started calling him 10 times a day...even when she knew we were together, showing up at the same places as us...emailing him constantly, and once coming into his apartment at 1:30 in the morning when we were in bed!! He knows I am very uncomfortable with her, promises that he does not talk to her, and that he is in love with me...but she WILL NOT go away! I have asked him over and over again to end it with her once and for all & he says it is over...but he is too nice to her and it drives me crazy. I want more than anything to trust that it is truly over with her (he says he never loved her), but it is very hard for me to do with her always lurking in the background...


What do I do??

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