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Women out there...queston for you.

liquid dream (formally surfer guy)

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liquid dream (formally surfer guy)

Okay...I would just like to say that I'm over the relationship that I just ended and I actually feel good about it!


Anyways...about finding a new date. Why can't a man with no fear of rejection (I know there aren't any but this is just an example of the way I feel right now), just walk up to a good looking woman that he has never seen before in his life and say..."Hi, my name is Surfer Guy, what's yours? Well, Woman That I think is cute, I think that you are very beautiful and I would like to take you out to lunch sometime."? Why must guys have to use pick up lines, or try to be "smooth"? Do women like pick up lines? The point I'm trying to make is, that method I just mentioned shows confidence, honesty, and if used creativly, shows personality. Why wouldn't it work as opposed to pick up lines?

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Most other women I know think that pick up lines are stupid and nothing more than a big joke. I didn't know people used them anymore except when they are trying to be funny. Your approach sounds great - mainly because it is funny but also very honest and flattering. Just make sure she is not standing next to some hefty bloke when you do it!


Good luck.

Okay...I would just like to say that I'm over the relationship that I just ended and I actually feel good about it! Anyways...about finding a new date. Why can't a man with no fear of rejection (I know there aren't any but this is just an example of the way I feel right now), just walk up to a good looking woman that he has never seen before in his life and say..."Hi, my name is Surfer Guy, what's yours? Well, Woman That I think is cute, I think that you are very beautiful and I would like to take you out to lunch sometime."? Why must guys have to use pick up lines, or try to be "smooth"? Do women like pick up lines? The point I'm trying to make is, that method I just mentioned shows confidence, honesty, and if used creativly, shows personality. Why wouldn't it work as opposed to pick up lines?
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Do women like pick up lines?

No, no, no!

Why must guys have to use pick up lines, or try to be "smooth"?

No, guys shouldn't have to use pickup lines, or try to be smooth.


Girls (most of them at least) can easily detect when a guy is just trying to act "smooth" to win them over, and it makes the guy come across as "fake" and "cheesy".


You know why your method would not work? It's too direct. If you walk up to a complete stranger who you think is beautiful and say something like that, she probably wouldn't go for it.


Well let me share from experience. When guys have come up to me and said something like "hey what's your name...I think you're beautiful...can I take you out", I have almost always declined the offer. I think...Damn! He doesn't even know me! He just found out my name a minute ago, and he already wants to take me out?!? WTF?? He's only interested in my looks and not ME.


But the guys that were successful were the ones that took the time to talk. And if they went to school with me, or were at a party, wedding, or at work were the ones most likely to hit it off well. Why? Because they weren't complete strangers off the street, who could've been serial killers for all I knew.


If she just met you and doesn't know you, why would she go out to lunch with you?? You have to give her a reason to. You have to spark her interest. You have to start a short conversation with her just so she gets a glimpse of you and your personality. You also have to come across as smooth without overdoing it.


Back to the guys I've met...and their winning approach: They approached me early on (whether at a party, around campus, or at work), introduced themselves and started a conversation. But they kept the conversation short and then left me alone. Later on they'd make eye contact, pass by and ask a question about me or mention something about them, and then move on. They would linger just long enough to get me interested, but not too long for me to lose interest.


They wouldn't even ask for my number at the beginning or ask me to go out with them. But right at the end of whatever situation it was, they'd approach one final time...that's when they would ask me to join them for dinner or a movie. And by then, I'd be pretty interested and intrigued that they didn't come across as pushy or pressed or desperate.


And my male friends are good at doing this also, but with strangers. For example, they'll see a beautiful girl at the mall or at a restaurant, walk up to her, give her a huge compliment, and then walk away. They won't ask for their name, their number, heck, they don't even wait for a reply. They just walk away. Then they pass by later and smile. Usually the girls run up to them and catch them before they leave. (I've seen this happen MANY times when I've been out with them, so it often works).


Hope that clears it up for you.



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i know i can't speak for all girls, obviously, but pick up lines have never worked for me, mainly because i can see straight through them and i'm not into being "picked up" and also because i've heard some pretty tragic ones before.


last year, when i was on a lunch break one day, this guy walked up to me as i was crossing the road and said, "excuse me, but do you mind if i take you out to lunch sometime?"....sure it was flattering, but i'm one of these girls who would rather chat to a guy first before being asked out. i don't want to be asked out purely because of how i look to a guy (that's flattering to, but it's just not appealing to me). needless to say, i gave him a false phone number because he was being a bit pushy (karma will get me for that one).


the kind of approach i really like is when a guy will come up to me and just start chatting, but that's only because i love meeting people and i like to talk too!! number one, it shows he has confidence, and number two, i can decide if i like him from his conversation....usually i look for a bit of brains and a sense of humour. this of course does not guarantee a date, but at least it was nice to talk to someone....and if a girl snobs you off if you and try and talk to her, don't let it put you off. she might be shy or just plain rude and she's obviously not the kind of girl you'd want to puruse anything with.


good luck and just remember to be yourself...someone who's a real natural stands out the most.



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she's obviously not the kind of girl you'd want to puruse anything with.


while i'm sure you could peruse certain things with a girl, i meant 'pursue'!

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Okay...I would just like to say that I'm over the relationship that I just ended and I actually feel good about it! Anyways...about finding a new date. Why can't a man with no fear of rejection (I know there aren't any but this is just an example of the way I feel right now), just walk up to a good looking woman that he has never seen before in his life and say..."Hi, my name is Surfer Guy, what's yours? Well, Woman That I think is cute, I think that you are very beautiful and I would like to take you out to lunch sometime."? Why must guys have to use pick up lines, or try to be "smooth"? Do women like pick up lines? The point I'm trying to make is, that method I just mentioned shows confidence, honesty, and if used creativly, shows personality. Why wouldn't it work as opposed to pick up lines?

its very exciting when its the right time and right place and especially if its a person ive known each known for a long time and worked together or whatever. But if its someone that I dont even know that walks up to me and says " hey can I have your number" or anything like that especially someone I dont know. I like a man who starts up a conversation with me gets to know me a little bit and are good friends before a realtionship starts.Thats my opinion.,then if he wants my number im more comfortable with that:)

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I think I must have misundertsood part of the original post. I think it is great to be able to do that to a woman (go up and say what you think etc) but only if you have been aquainted at least one (or even twice) beforehand. I wouldn't advise doing that to a stranger.


Also I know the 'you are beautiful'... thing part is superficial and I would be turned off by that if the person was deadly serious, but the point I was making is that it would be funny to some women if it was done in a comical way and humour in itself attractive. You might say no at that time but you would probably remember them and their forthright approach.

i know i can't speak for all girls, obviously, but pick up lines have never worked for me, mainly because i can see straight through them and i'm not into being "picked up" and also because i've heard some pretty tragic ones before.


last year, when i was on a lunch break one day, this guy walked up to me as i was crossing the road and said, "excuse me, but do you mind if i take you out to lunch sometime?"....sure it was flattering, but i'm one of these girls who would rather chat to a guy first before being asked out. i don't want to be asked out purely because of how i look to a guy (that's flattering to, but it's just not appealing to me). needless to say, i gave him a false phone number because he was being a bit pushy (karma will get me for that one). the kind of approach i really like is when a guy will come up to me and just start chatting, but that's only because i love meeting people and i like to talk too!! number one, it shows he has confidence, and number two, i can decide if i like him from his conversation....usually i look for a bit of brains and a sense of humour. this of course does not guarantee a date, but at least it was nice to talk to someone....and if a girl snobs you off if you and try and talk to her, don't let it put you off. she might be shy or just plain rude and she's obviously not the kind of girl you'd want to puruse anything with. good luck and just remember to be yourself...someone who's a real natural stands out the most. :)

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