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So … ladies any insight? Gents, seen this before?


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So I was recently introduced to a friend of a friend and I need some perspective about this situation. We’ve only seen each other in person once at a mutual friend’s party and didn’t speak directly at all. Found out from my friend that she thought I was kinda cute, and recently I reached out on IG. I was pretty upfront, asked her out, asked for her number, and said I wanted to chat and get to know her better. She didn’t directly address me asking her out but said that she would really love to get to know me better and gave me her number. The communication was really slow, and she admitted very early on that it was a really tough week for her due to work. And after only exchanging a few messages over the course of a week, she told me she wasn’t in the right mindset to meet anyone right now.

At this point, it’s usually getting let down easy, but what she said next threw me off a bit. She said normally she is very responsive and that she feels bad that she hasn’t been. But she said she wanted to try catching up in the New Year when things slow down. She said I seem like a really great guy and doesn’t want to not give me the attention I deserve. I responded saying I understand, shared that I had been in a similar work situation earlier this year, appreciated the mature and considerate response, and offered to text her a week after New Years and she said that sounds like a good plan. 

Our mutual friends, including my best friend, have nothing but good things to say about either of us, so I’m guessing she’s a decent gal. 

Tough read because of the limited communication, and tbh I don’t want to sound super negative, but I’m not sure what she is going off of about me being a great guy. We haven’t had much communication, so I’m trying to not read into it too much. I’m just going to give her space then text her like I said I would in the New Years.

Just a little thrown off because I’ve never been in a spot like this before, any thoughts? Ladies any insights from your perspective? Gents have any of you had anything like this before?

Edited by CVega13
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Given that the New Year is but days away, I'd give her the benefit of doubt.  But I would also keep other options open incase she's a flake

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14 minutes ago, CVega13 said:

 Tough read because of the limited communication, and tbh I don’t want to sound super negative, but I’m not sure what she is going off of about me being a great guy. We haven’t had much communication, so I’m trying to not read into it too much. I’m just going to give her space then text her like I said I would in the New Years.

Do you think her calling you a great guy sounded like a gentle let down?

Remember that chatting and texting on the phone or getting her number doesn’t mean someone’s interested in actually dating you. To find that out you have to ask her out. She has to agree and you both keep planning and agreeing on going on dates. I wouldn’t read into anything she says. Unless she agrees to a date there’s nothing here. Text her if you feel like it in the New Year or don’t if you change your mind. Treat her as you would any stranger you’ve just met.

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3 hours ago, CVega13 said:

 She said I seem like a really great guy and doesn’t want to not give me the attention I deserve.

You gave it your best shot but unfortunately this is the classic "it's me, not you"  friendzone speech.

All you can do is back off and see if she contacts you on her own accord. Discontinue the chitchat so you don't inadvertantly dig yourself further into the friendzone.

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