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Does he really love me?

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Hi I need some advice,I met my boyfriend on tick tok,he can be such a great guy,but then he can be so cruel and make me question if he really cares about me or not,Sometimes I really hate myself for loving him, he tells me something but then does something else all together, does it sound like he even cares about me or is he just using me?

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When words and actions don’t match - there are lies.

how long have you dated?

how often do you see him?

how far away is he from where you live?

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6 hours ago, sunflowerlover said:

Hi I need some advice,I met my boyfriend on tick tok . is he just using me?

Have you met in person? What could he be using you for?  Are you intimate or sexting? 

If he makes you feel bad, tell him it's not working out then block him from all your social media and messaging apps.

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What cruel things does he do?

Have you met in person?

It honestly sounds like he doesn't care and is just using you.

Can you give us some more details?

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