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Am I wrong?


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Am I [wrong] for thinking it’s ridiculous that I’m being told to drop my dogs at my boyfriends house when I was already with him yet he refused to come with me and told me I was being difficult?

Am I [wrong] for asking what the plan is for tonight and getting frustrated when his response is “it’s taco Tuesday”? 

I drive 40 minutes to drive this kids ass to work several days a week yet [I am wrong] when I can’t 

When I just want to sleep in my own bed I’m “refusing to spend time with him”

I really don’t feel like I’m doing the wrong thing here here but idk maybe others feel differently. 

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Sounds like you need a break from this guy.  Back off and take some time for yourself.  Stop reacting/interacting with him when he's being a jerk and/or when you're feeling so frustrated with him.  

We all need some peaceful time alone sometimes, you don't have to be involved in everything together.  Allow time so you can miss and appreciate each other.  

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All I can think is, "Why on earth are you with this guy?" He sounds like an entitled child. You are under no obligation whatsoever to remain in a relationship in which you are unhappy.

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No, the only thing wrong is his self absorption. I hope he reimburses you for fuel when you drive his kid to school. 

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He's expecting you do all the work and do whatever he wants.

If not, he'll have a tantrum.

Why are you with this child?

He's just mooching off you.

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4 hours ago, justaskingok said:

Your driving his kids to school?

Make sure hes not using you just as a babysitter.

You read wrong.

She is referring to him as a child.

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You... drive your boyfriend to work every day? Why?

I'm on your side except for Taco Tuesdays. What's wrong with that? I love tacos, sounds like a good plan for dinner, lol.

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