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hes very controlling

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I think its best that me and my bf are buddies.He just gets on my nerves lately.And thats not in love.Now when ever he's around me I get irritable I dont know why.When I first met him I was never like this.


I just dont like how he thinks he controls everything.He thinks he can tell me how often I can see my friends and says only once a year I'll be able to see them. He says I have to listen to his music ,my music sucks.Even though Im vegetarian he says you will eat a piece of meat someday cause Im going to make you.


One time we were ordering pizza and we decided to get half plain and half pepperonni.So it took like a half hour to get for delevery I was in the other room an the the pizza delivery came.The pizza came all pepperoni so my bf took all the pepperoni off my half even though he was supposed to get half plain after the juice of the pepperoni settled in my pizza I knew my pizza tasted funny gave him a look and he told me after all he had ordered a peppereoni pizza and peeeled it off when I wasnt looking.I wanted to call him a jerk I was so mad I could taste the meat juice in my pizza in everything.He said to me well I know it wouldnt kill you" I said "but still" I was pissed.

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hi patty,


it is not right for someone to assume they can make somebody do as they want them to, conform, change or whatever. this guy probably has some major insecurities under the surface for him to feel the need to treat you this way.


perhaps you could try saying to him, "you cannot tell me how to run my life, so stop trying to, and stop being so inconsiderate". i mean, who the hell does he think he is? your father??? i hardly think so. why does he think you need controlling anyway??


he probably also sees you as somebody that he *can* try to control, so it's now up to you to show him and let him know that it's not on because it pisses you off....quite frankly, i don't blame you for being annoyed. that is quite rude to tell a vegetarian that you will make them eat meat oneday....uh, i don't think so tim!!!


man, he sounds like the typical "controlling boyfriend", except he's not your boyfriend! how irritating!


so to sum it up, just let him know you won't stand for that kind of behaviour because their is no need for it, and if it continues, he better start looking for another friend. it's not very fair on you to be treated to and spoken to like that.



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This may be a guy you'll want to strongly consider getting away from. He is not mature, not considerate, not honest, and not the kind of person you want a long term relationship with.


What he did with the pizza is a great example of not being all of the above.


There doesn't seem to be any good reason for hanging around this dude, unless there's something you didn't tell us.

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