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why is he doing this to me?!!


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Guys lets say your with a girl for three months seriously, but have been talking since may.......scenario.....just this past week your extremely sweet and loving toward her; you have a great sweetest day, you stay with her the night b4 she had sergery on her mouth, then you text and call her to check on her a million times.....after sergery gf goes back to school until thursday.....you see her on friday and everything is good, you work that night and then sat go out with your buddies, the next day you wake up at 7 to play football and text your gf g'morning. Then later that day go see a movie with your girl, go home make out, have amazing passonate love making sex, are really sweet after, the next morning really tired not to loveable, have sex again with gf, then the gf says i have to leave and the bf goes noooo....so gf stays little bit longer then leaves to go back to school. Gf is now away at school, she doesn't talk to bf on mon, cause she just saw him, but text's him g'nnight, then the next day calls him and he doesn't answer but calls her back. the gf tells the bf that she is sick when he calls and he only stays on phone for short time when friend calls. Bf tell gf i'll call you back but doesn't however texts the gf that he is going to work out with friend and that he will "ttyl", however bf never called gf back. Now my question is.....is it easy for guys to fall out of a relationship with a girl. Can you guys suddenly after being with a girl who you've said is amazing, who all your buddies like, your mom adores and someone you have recently shown so much affection towards just a few days ago just suddenly in a couple days time not want to be with her anymore. Or is this GF just being paronoid about BF. On sunday i noticed he wasnt' as affectionate as he usually but it could have just been my imagination....i suddenly had to go off my birth control so my hormones are a lil screwy...could this just be me thinking that somehting is wrong or do i have something to worry about here.....guys would love the input...



ok let me up date this, now i called him again today and left him a message to please call me back. He did call me back and left a message saying that he was up at his dad's bar and would call me on his way home. he never called...why did he even call me back and leave that message if he doesn't want to talk to me....y is he stringing me along!!! please help with some advice on what to do!!!

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