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Exchanging Numbers (in a Club, on the Street, Online)

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Is it cheating?


Or is it NOT cheating?


IMO... this is a VERY VERY touchy subject bcuz there are very few circumstances where the exchange of phone numbers can be construed as innocent (outside of the work place) ... when 1 of the individuals involved in the exchange is in a rel'ship (which the other person MAY or MAY NOT know)...


I've heard NUMEROUS justifications from guys in rel'ships who exchange numbers.. "Oh the conversation was cool, it's just convo.." ..." She knows I have a girl...", "What's the big deal?"


What's your take on this?


IMO -> this is smth I have reluctantly accepted in the past but moving forward I do NOT find it acceptable, AT ALL. With my ex-bf of 4 yrs I NEVER gave my ph no out to guys that tried to 'get at me'. Yes I met guys at work.. or thru theatre... and we exchanged numbers... but it was always made clear to them.. UPFRONT.. that I had a man and that was it...


I think from a guy's p.o.v. there is NO REASON for you to be asking a female for her number - NO REASON! It just makes no sense. To me asking a female for her number is the like the 1st intent to cheat.. it's not cheating... YET... but it can easily lead there... esp if the girl thinks you're single (bcuz you CONVENIENTLY 'forget' to mention this fact)


I'm done with guys trying to act single while in a rel'ship.


And to me... exchanging or asking for numbers is a single person thing.


What do y'all think?


K. :bunny:

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"If it's not for business reasons, it's cheating. Or at least a nice prelude to it."


Bingo! You said it. What on earth would I want a girl's number for if she is not a work colleague, who I may need to contact outside work hours, a relative, or someone I want to hook up with at some stage. The little black book syndrome!

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There is absolutely no reason for an attached guy to get a number. I guarantee you they like to do if for the thrill and it gives them all that attention from the outside.


Seriously when I guy flirts with you and asks for your number are you not flattered? It just proves you still "got the stuff". Now leading him on or asking for his number is crossing the line, but we all do stuff that is a little sketchy for attention.

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