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how 2 say sorry

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You can only change yourself, not others. If he doesn't come around, then forget about him and move on. You said sorry and that's all you can do. It's up to him to accept it.


Maybe he just needs time to sort things out.

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When you blamed it all on the alcohol, was that real? It seems like you clearly remember what happened and if that's the case, then I'd think you must have been in control of yourself. My rule: you can only (honestly) blame it on the alcohol if you also end up having little recollection of what happened. Otherwise you weren't drunk enough.


If I were him, I'd wonder: if I were to start dating you, would I have a monster on my hands every time you started drinking?


You apologized. You made it clear you feel bad. The rest is up to him. If you give it some time, say a few weeks, you might be able to shift down to first gear and send him a "hi". But don't expect anything.

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You pretty much blew it from what it sounds like. Being a beligerant drunk is never endearing, a fact I know only too well myself. Alchohol gives others a little peak at one's raw emotions, and if those emotions are catty and petty, then it's a pretty big turnoff. Ease off on the booze next time and lighten up when the guy invites his stupid friends. I know they were fifth, sixth, and eighth wheels, but the poor guy was probably just dense. One-on-one things are a lot better sometimes.

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you can be drunk enough to act like an idiot and still remember it happening. you don't have to be smashed. some people get in accidents that they do remember, and though they were obviously too drunk to drive, they weren't blacked out.


in any case, he probably is done with you. a rude, uncontrollable, belligerent drunk is the worst kind of person to deal with.


i think he did give you another chance---by coming back to the party, which didn't work in your favour.


by the way he's acting, i don't think he's angry, i think he is at best disgusted or maybe annoyed, and while he doesn't hate you, he probably doesn't care much to continue it.


no one really wants to seriously hang out with "drunk girl."

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I really appreciate all the advice and comments you guys. But I’ve come to realized that I really did make a huge mess out of this (potential) friendship and there really isn’t anything that I can do to fix it. But I’ve learnt a lot from this situation and I will see it as a “lesson learnt”

Westernxer you’re right - live and learn.

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