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Girlfriend asking for space

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I have dated this girl for approximately three years. About a year ago she came to me and said she needed some space to figure out what was going on in her mind. She assured me it was nothing I had done. So, we gave each other space over the Memorial Day holiday and got back together rather quickly. Recently, I had asked her if she was going to move in with me when her apartment lease is up. She started acting weird following that. So, when I asked what was wrong, she came out and said that she needs some space again. She says that the decision of where to move is something weighing on her mind, but also she feels as though she is pushing me away and doesn't want to and doesn't know why she is doing it. She wants nothing more than to be with me, but doesn't want to hurt me in the process. We have a great time when we are together. She says she feels as though she is yelling at me and trying to make me mad for no good reason. So, for the only solution, she asked if she could have her time away from me. She would call when she feels necessary. She did assure me she doesn't want to date anyone else, doesn't even want to think about that. She wants to be with me, but wants to be with me and treat me correctly and how I deserve.


So, my question is how long do I wait for a response? Obviously I don't expect one shortly, but is two weeks, three weeks long enough? Could there be more to this? Any information would be helpful. I am just searching for answers and tired of hanging on!!!!!

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Being a woman I can understand how she feels. If she is honest in what she's telling you then you have a pretty good woman on your hands. There may be some issues in her life that you don't know about that are causing her to act the way she does. If I were you I wouldn't rush her unless it is getting ridiculous like to the point where there is absolutely nothing there. Moving in together may be a bigger step for some people than others. I think she is just trying to make the right decisions in life and not just letting what she wants override what is right in the long run. Some people move into situations too fast and don't know what they are getting themselves into before it is too late. If you feel you can't comply with her need for space then do what you have to do. Maybe a little talking may help relieve whatever issues she has going on. In a good stable relationship, you should be able to talk about any and everything necessary to make it work. Is she willing to, eventually, talk about whatever is making her need this space, even if it isn't you?

I have dated this girl for approximately three years. About a year ago she came to me and said she needed some space to figure out what was going on in her mind. She assured me it was nothing I had done. So, we gave each other space over the Memorial Day holiday and got back together rather quickly. Recently, I had asked her if she was going to move in with me when her apartment lease is up. She started acting weird following that. So, when I asked what was wrong, she came out and said that she needs some space again. She says that the decision of where to move is something weighing on her mind, but also she feels as though she is pushing me away and doesn't want to and doesn't know why she is doing it. She wants nothing more than to be with me, but doesn't want to hurt me in the process. We have a great time when we are together. She says she feels as though she is yelling at me and trying to make me mad for no good reason. So, for the only solution, she asked if she could have her time away from me. She would call when she feels necessary. She did assure me she doesn't want to date anyone else, doesn't even want to think about that. She wants to be with me, but wants to be with me and treat me correctly and how I deserve. So, my question is how long do I wait for a response? Obviously I don't expect one shortly, but is two weeks, three weeks long enough? Could there be more to this? Any information would be helpful. I am just searching for answers and tired of hanging on!!!!!
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Sweets, thanks for your response. I totally understand what you are saying and believe everything you have said. It has only been a couple days since she told me she needed space, so we are no where near the panic button. I want to make it work and she says she does as well. So, I hope and preach that communication is the key. I told her the first time it happened to let me know when things are wrong so we can discuss and get through it. Obviously she likes dealing with some things on her own, and this seems to be one of them. Thanks again for the response.

Being a woman I can understand how she feels. If she is honest in what she's telling you then you have a pretty good woman on your hands. There may be some issues in her life that you don't know about that are causing her to act the way she does. If I were you I wouldn't rush her unless it is getting ridiculous like to the point where there is absolutely nothing there. Moving in together may be a bigger step for some people than others. I think she is just trying to make the right decisions in life and not just letting what she wants override what is right in the long run. Some people move into situations too fast and don't know what they are getting themselves into before it is too late. If you feel you can't comply with her need for space then do what you have to do. Maybe a little talking may help relieve whatever issues she has going on. In a good stable relationship, you should be able to talk about any and everything necessary to make it work. Is she willing to, eventually, talk about whatever is making her need this space, even if it isn't you?
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