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My family and I moved to Germany this past April from Texas. God!!! I miss it.:( Anyways..... we were'nt doing so well financially and we thought it would a good fresh start for us. Plus, our kids can finally get to know my family a little better.


We dealt living with hubby's family for a long time. It was hard and nerve wracking! We needed to get out!! Well, we did but now we're with my family. I did'nt think it was going to be this bad. Figuring it's MY family and all. :D


I've been away from my family for about 8 years now, so I have changed and so have they. My mother is constantly complaining about the bills. "My account is overdrawn.......instead of the normal telephone bill of €54 it's

€125....blah...blah.." She could go on..and on. We give her our part of the electric-, water and phone bills, plus money for groceries. We're trying to get us back on our own feet. Hubby and I are working on getting some bills (stateside) out of the way. My hubby has a good paying job now. He works so hard, 10- 12 hour days. I feel my mom wants us to give her half of his check. It's so frustrating!!!


My mom okay... is'nt doing so well herself financially..and my sister (lives with us also) is unemployed, so she has to help her out too. We are NEVER going to get out of here if she's wants us to give her mor money to take care of her bills. Okay.... I believe yes...when we first got here (Hubby was'nt working) she forked out alot for us. More groceries, more water and electric being used. And maybe that's why....she can't seemed to level things out just yet.


We found a apartment 2 weeks ago, can't move in until the 1st of Dec. When we signed the lease, and left part of the deposit. Since we really wanted it, we had to pay some of the dpeosit. So thus leaving us with barely €50 until the end of the month. Mom, unfornately has to buy groceries etc if we need anything. I feel bad, I do. On the 1st she'll get the usual, plus extra for the groceries. But it's still not good enough. She wants more! What can I do?


We only have 1 more month until we move out. I'm trying really hard to stay strong and to tough it out. Furniture we don't have, so we're going to need money for that. My mom and I are able to talk to each other honestly and openly about things. But then sometimes she says things out loud and no names. For example, this morning..." direct deposit is in......rent will be taken out, telephone etc, but I'll still be in the red zone (minus) overdrawn." What am I suppose to say? Is she talking to me? I told her that I was sorry...that we can only give her the usual amount. She said she understood, but I can still feel it.


Should I just ignore it and not worry? Or am I just being silly? thanks if anyone reads

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You can't allow yourself to be made feel guilty over your mother's financial troubles. You'll just have to keep telling her firmly that she needs to learn to manage her own finances. Are there any sort of free financial counselors that you can get her to go see?

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I agree with outcast you can't be to blame for your mother's woe's you are paying her which is better than what your unemployed sis is doing (nothing against your sister) but I'm sure that that is part of your mothers' concern is that she has a lot of burdens right now.


I know you needed to live with your mom however this choice is never easy..tough it out one more month it will go fast and good luck with getting all things caught up..

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