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Waiting for a dream to come true :)

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Well.. this is our story..


I am from Romania and we've met on the net about 8 months ago.. we talked about a lot of things and I began to feel something for her.. But I tried to stop my feelings and to meet other persons.. and that's just because.. she's far away.. she lives in UK.. she's Romanian, too, but she has left the country about four years ago.. and our story continued with more and more feelings till the day I just couldn't stop them.. Now she's 17 and a half and I am 22 and the same half.. :) and.. there are almost 5 months since we are... together.. and what I feel and what we have can't really be shown in simple words.. I just can't wait for her to come into my arms, to kiss her.. well.. I hope that this will happen as soon as possible and, who knows, maybe we'll be together for the rest of our lives.. well.. I don`t need advices for this.. it's just a story.. kinda' special one, regarding the fact that this is my longest relationship ever and she is the first person who ever said to me "I love you".. :))


Ummm.. hey.. thanks for listening and.. if my baby gets to read this message... I LOVE YOU! :)


P.S.1. Have I mentioned that I don`t know yet how she looks? :) But I surely know that she is beautiful, because she is mine :)


P.S.2. Umm.. If any of you who read this message wants to tell me something or to ask me about it.. just reply to it :)))


P.S.3 Have a happy and shiny life, you all... and for those who don't think that we have a chance... well... I've been there, too.. and I really know how painful can love be.. but .. in the end.. if you don't have hope... you'll get nothing.. just a grey life.. so.. give it a try and .. learn to love... it's possible, you know? :)

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liquid dream

Hey...I am happy for you brother. Trust me I do know how painful love can be. So does a lot of people on here. I just got out of this relationship with a woman that I was certain that I was in love with and I thought that she felt the same. But in the end, I pretty much got dumped on for being good to her. Well, alot of people on here know what I went through because I was on here a lot trying to figure out what women want and how I should be around women. But I learned a hard lesson from all of it. I learned that not all women are the same. They are different just like everyone else. I learned that you can't look at them as if they were all the same. Well...this probably has no importance too you. But I thought that I'de share my past experience and what I learned from it. Good luck with your relationship. Oh...one more thing. I totally agree with you about beliving in love. If you don't have hope that love is out there, your life will be very grey. Have fun, and God bless.

Well.. this is our story.. I am from Romania and we've met on the net about 8 months ago.. we talked about a lot of things and I began to feel something for her.. But I tried to stop my feelings and to meet other persons.. and that's just because.. she's far away.. she lives in UK.. she's Romanian, too, but she has left the country about four years ago.. and our story continued with more and more feelings till the day I just couldn't stop them.. Now she's 17 and a half and I am 22 and the same half.. :) and.. there are almost 5 months since we are... together.. and what I feel and what we have can't really be shown in simple words.. I just can't wait for her to come into my arms, to kiss her.. well.. I hope that this will happen as soon as possible and, who knows, maybe we'll be together for the rest of our lives.. well.. I don`t need advices for this.. it's just a story.. kinda' special one, regarding the fact that this is my longest relationship ever and she is the first person who ever said to me "I love you".. :)) Ummm.. hey.. thanks for listening and.. if my baby gets to read this message... I LOVE YOU! :) P.S.1. Have I mentioned that I don`t know yet how she looks? :) But I surely know that she is beautiful, because she is mine :) P.S.2. Umm.. If any of you who read this message wants to tell me something or to ask me about it.. just reply to it :))) P.S.3 Have a happy and shiny life, you all... and for those who don't think that we have a chance... well... I've been there, too.. and I really know how painful can love be.. but .. in the end.. if you don't have hope... you'll get nothing.. just a grey life.. so.. give it a try and .. learn to love... it's possible, you know? :)
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Hey.. thank you...


You seem to be a very smart guy! :) I really wanted a reply from you.. well.. I`m sorry for your story.. well.. once.. I decided to become a "mean" person.. and to be cold and careless.. but.. that wasn't me.. so... the fact is that I really need to love and to be loved.. and .. I have to take my chance and to try to be happy.. and.. I hope everything will turn into something good.. I ment "perfect" :).. thanks again and enjoy your surfin`... :))


Bye bye!

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liquid dream

Hey dude!!!lol...ass backwards surfer talk...thanks for the nice things you said. Yeah, people that are cold and bitter have no personality. And I'de like to think that I'm one of those guys that seems to be happy with my life. If something ever goes wrong, I just try my very best to pick my head up from that and move foreward with a grin.

Well.. this is our story.. I am from Romania and we've met on the net about 8 months ago.. we talked about a lot of things and I began to feel something for her.. But I tried to stop my feelings and to meet other persons.. and that's just because.. she's far away.. she lives in UK.. she's Romanian, too, but she has left the country about four years ago.. and our story continued with more and more feelings till the day I just couldn't stop them.. Now she's 17 and a half and I am 22 and the same half.. :) and.. there are almost 5 months since we are... together.. and what I feel and what we have can't really be shown in simple words.. I just can't wait for her to come into my arms, to kiss her.. well.. I hope that this will happen as soon as possible and, who knows, maybe we'll be together for the rest of our lives.. well.. I don`t need advices for this.. it's just a story.. kinda' special one, regarding the fact that this is my longest relationship ever and she is the first person who ever said to me "I love you".. :)) Ummm.. hey.. thanks for listening and.. if my baby gets to read this message... I LOVE YOU! :) P.S.1. Have I mentioned that I don`t know yet how she looks? :) But I surely know that she is beautiful, because she is mine :) P.S.2. Umm.. If any of you who read this message wants to tell me something or to ask me about it.. just reply to it :))) P.S.3 Have a happy and shiny life, you all... and for those who don't think that we have a chance... well... I've been there, too.. and I really know how painful can love be.. but .. in the end.. if you don't have hope... you'll get nothing.. just a grey life.. so.. give it a try and .. learn to love... it's possible, you know? :)
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