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She really likes me, Im not sure how I feel....

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So me and this girl were 'going out' for about 3 weeks, the quotation marks are because we never really went out, I was really busy those 3 weeks and never got to see her, and the one chance I did have I fraked out and avoided it because it was an uncomfortable setting (drugs and alchohol, not my thing). Soon after this she broke up with me, so a week (more or less) passes and shes still really into me, and she is asking me if she quit smoking and drinking if I'd still like her....


I dont know how I feel, I guess I kind of like her, but its not really that panging, pulling, go for it tiger feeling, you know? Its like a "I guess I could settle for that" feeling, its not because shes not nice, or not pretty, or not attractive, or what have you, its just NOT there.


2 weeks after we broke up I thought it was over, thats what she kept saying, I wasnt really trying to hook back up so much as I was trying to figure out where she stood on all of it. Well during this period I met another girl, a girl I dont so much have that pang of I like her towards either, but we click on a lot more levels, I get the feeling we're more compatible. We're friends, and she stayed up till 4:30 in the morning just so she could talk to me. I really dont know if she likes me, but I get the feeling this could go somewhere between me and her. The problem is she lives over a half an hour away from me.....


I guess whats really holding me back from getting back together with my ex (she really really likes me and its killing me that I dont like her back as much as I feel I should) is this other girl thats come into my life. Its nothing really right now, but shes interesting and unique enough (in my eyes) that I dont want to mess things up and have that door closed forever.....


Am I a terrible person for not respecting my ex's feelings and not getting back together with her? She likes me so much, she keeps telling me Im a quality guy and shes never had that, but I feel like Im just turning my back on her and ignoring her feelings, I dont want to hurt her....=/, but at the same time, and I know this sounds horrible, but at the same time I get the feeling that if me and this new girl did get into eachother, it'd work out alot better than it would with my ex, even if she did quit smoking and drinking ( I dont want her to, thats not fair)....



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How can the girl you never went out with be considered your girlfriend ?


How can she be considered now as your ex if you never went out with her in the first place ?


How can you hold off on your life for someone who was never even there ?


Why are you forcing yourself to feel chemistry for the girl if you never did and never even went out with her ?


Sounds like some manipulation on her end to get you to feel something ...


I would move on from something that never was..................

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Whatever you do, just don't settle.


If it's not there, it's not there.


I've been there myself. Even had moments when, after taking her out and promising to call, I decided I wasn't into her.


Go for that which makes you hungry, not for whatever holds you over.

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