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WOW, 6 weeks and still not smoking

Bobby Dygytul

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Bobby Dygytul

Its been 6 weeks now that i have quit smoking and i feel great!!! I just had to share that, im very proud of myself. (now if only i could get my girlfriend to quit smoking, but its ok, i still love her.)

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You have no idea how proud I am of you also. My father died of lung cancer and it was not a pleasant death. Please don't ever, ever think of picking up another cigarette.


I often wonder what goes through smoker's minds as they suffer such a painful and lingering death once the end comes. They certainly know why they suffer.


It also amazes me the number who cough and gasp for air to breathe just in the normal course of their day.


I am so happy you made this decision. If your lady insists on smoking, maybe you ought to find a partner who will live to be by your side throughout your longer and much more fulfilling lifetime.

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hey bobby,


that's great news that you've managed to keep off them. do you feel much better physically yet? does your wallet feel much heavier than it used to? hehe.


i've managed to cut down a little bit in the last week. i've been deliberately avoiding having a cigarette at certain habitual times of the day, and it's not going too badly yet!! i haven't had a cigarette in the car on the way to the train station for the last week, or one coming home, or one straight after dinner....now that is a big feat for me!!! actually, i was thinking of you this morning when i refused to have one while driving. you're given me some motivation, bobster!!


but i've been telling myself, "hey, if i was able to go the first 17 years of my life without touching a cigarette, i'm sure i can get over 7 years with them".


and i'm glad to hear that you're not trying to force your girlfriend off the smokes. as they say, you have to really want to quit and be ready *yourself* to say ciao to them.


good stuff!!! :)

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Bobby Dygytul

Hello Miss Mojo


I didn't think it was too hard to quit, its more of a mental thing than physical. I really really wanted to quit and have deleloped a hate towards them. I do feel alot better and i have noticed a difference financial wise.


I hope you can someday quit also. Its not that hard, you can do it!! Everytime i usually put a cig in my mouth, i instead chew gum or I put tooth pick in my mouth. Well it works for me. The urge to smoke goes away more and more each day, you just have to hang in there and stick to your game.


Sounds like you are as old as im am. I started smoking when i was 16 and im now 24.


Yeah its my girlfriends decision rather she wants to smoke or not, i look past it and i would never push her to quit. She says she wants to quit someday, but when she is ready to. We are very understanding towards each other.


Im flatter to be a motivation to you, its flattering to me. I do urge you to quit, it a horrible expensive habbit.


You can do it Miss Mojo, i have confidence in you.


good luck!!!



hey bobby, that's great news that you've managed to keep off them. do you feel much better physically yet? does your wallet feel much heavier than it used to? hehe. i've managed to cut down a little bit in the last week. i've been deliberately avoiding having a cigarette at certain habitual times of the day, and it's not going too badly yet!! i haven't had a cigarette in the car on the way to the train station for the last week, or one coming home, or one straight after dinner....now that is a big feat for me!!! actually, i was thinking of you this morning when i refused to have one while driving. you're given me some motivation, bobster!! but i've been telling myself, "hey, if i was able to go the first 17 years of my life without touching a cigarette, i'm sure i can get over 7 years with them". and i'm glad to hear that you're not trying to force your girlfriend off the smokes. as they say, you have to really want to quit and be ready *yourself* to say ciao to them. good stuff!!! :)
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