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I need advice!!!

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Hi there...


Here's the situation. The girl I am totaly and madly infatuated with (not in love... yet) and have been spending a lot of (quality) time with is completely and totaly confused (self professed). At times she is really warm, caring, sensitive to my needs, etc. and at other times, she openly flirts with every other guy but me. She tells me that she loves me, then wants nothing to do with me.


We have been going on like this for nearly 7 months now. It was only last week that she told me she loved me and now I'm not really sure she meant it in a way that I understood her to.


Our whole relationship started with two people getting together out of fluke. Neither of us wanted a relationship at the time and frankly it scared us both. Now it seems that we were a lot more open to talk about our feelings than when we were not looking for more.


I keep hearing from other people that she really would like to take our relationship further, but as soon as I try to bring up the subject, she pushes me away. I really confused and would appreciate some advice. For me I need to know (from her mouth) what she wants. I would gladly have her as a friend if I knew that was all that she wanted from our relationship... but there is an ambiguity there that prevents me from moving on.


I know I say she flirts with others a lot... but she never leaves with anyone else... she hasn't been with anyone else (I'm trusting her word).


Please advise me on how to proceed... I'm a little perplexed... please reply to <e-mail address removed> with responses...



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